Welcome to my blog home and my holiday party, that runs from now through Monday! (Thank you Wystful, for the graphics, and GoofyGirl for the holiday decorations for my blog design!)
There are lots of fun holiday activities awaiting you, so here are the festivity "rules"!
1. After you leave a comment here, visit the person who commented before you. Read their post, and then leave them a virtual gift in their comments! It can be a button you make, it can be a url for something they may like, it can be a link to a holiday cartoon - anything you like! You guys are a creative bunch, I'm sure you'll far surpass my expectations. If you're first, leave a virtual gift here. :)
2. When you comment here, make sure to tell me your favorite Christmas/Holiday song. I'll make sure the DJ plays it! (My favorite is Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree.) If you'd like, you can "sing" it for us - virtual caroling!
3. Do you have a favorite holiday recipie? Would you like to share it? Post it in comments! Many of you have posted recipies on your blog, so you can link to it in comments.
4. There will also be a "white elephant" exchange going on. In comments, tell us about one of the WORST gifts you received. What may be a gift you don't like may be another's treasure. Maybe you'll find someone who'll take it off your hands :)
5. How are you going to fit all this in? Comment often! Come back and see how the party is progressing!I know I am blessed beyond imagination, so I always use the holiday time to remember those who are less fortunate.
Toys for Tots is a good option, or choose your own charity!Now, all this will leave you starved! So help yourself to some Christmas cookies, Chex mix, red and green M&Ms, baby quiches, Bagel Bites, spinach and artichoke dip, and gingerbread man cookies. (And yes, some treats for my feline - and canine - friends who stop by)
To drink, we've got hot apple cider, sparkling apple cider, Christmas punch (my mom has the BEST recipie for this) and egg nog with rum.
I also believe I promised a piture of my Christmas tree.

Welcome! I'll start off the fesivities by throwing a little "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" onto the turntable. I'm dancing now in my PJs around the living room!
Rockin' Around
the Christmas Tree
At the Christmas party hop
Keep tuning in to get my mom's recipe for Christmas punch. It's worth the wait!
I'm second/first...wait a minute... you have to approve our comments, so I have NO IDEA if I'm first or not. Hummmm... how am I supposed to do this???
Well I'll get you the present link...just a minute...
This one cracks me up
Happy holidays
oh, I guess you turned that off! Color me red!
Favorite Holiday Song...
"Mary Did You Know"
favorite holiday recipe
Hummm worst gift? I'm really really really good at returning stuff that I don't like.
I guess the one that ticked me off the most was I got one of those cans of popcorn...you know the ones that were popped probably 500 years ago and come with 3 flavors in them? Well I shipped that sucker back to WalMart as quickly as I could.
Nice tree! I like the ribbon.
This is fun!
Ok so my favorite Christmas song is Santa Claus is Coming To Town sung by Bruce Springstein.
Renee (above) I went to your blog but alas for some reason, I could not leave a comment. Blogger has been weird for me with some blogs. Sorry! Merry Christmas!
I love Jingle Bells! and love your Xmas tree, your decorations and your open blog!
I guess i'll definitley have to take this a step at a time... First let me say your tree looks gorgeous...
I will visit MAR... since I regularly do it anyway... I like her blog and read it very often... Then my favourite carol...
I used to like All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth when I was growing up....
I also loved "I'm dreaming of a White Chritmas" as I have never ever experienced one.... still do (dream) that is. Oh I like all the old traditional one.... Drummer Boy, Frosty the snow man, 12 days of Christmas.... all
The gift for Mar will be a bit later though... have to think of something.....
oh forgot favourite recipe .... I like all christmas food. But there is something which we always make for christmas besides the sweets and chocolates and cake. It's Sorpatel - a Goa speciality made of pork - quite tasty infact and very spicy -it's got Portugese origins... it's usually made a few days ahead so that the spices and stuff really blend into the meat...
I mentioned yesterday I'd be here with bells on today---
So, with the tune of Jingle Bells (naturally), I'm singing this song to entertain your guests as they come through the door...
*to the everloving tune of Jingle Bells-sing along with me everyone!*
Car-r-men's blog is op'n
We're havin' fun today
There's treats galore and much much more...
We're laughin' all the way!
Bells all over me...
Makin' spirits' nog.
Oh what fun we'll have t'day---
a playin' at Carmen's blog!!!!
Carmen's blog,
Carmen's blog,
Carmen all the way...
Oh what fun; we'll laugh and sing
A Carmen's song today!!
And Carmen, my friend...
here's one small token for you for the holidays---
Happy Holidays
Wohoo I can comment. Silly blogger!
My favourite christmas song is frosty the snowman (even though Ive never seen snow or built a snowman!). Its such a happy chrissy song!
My fav holiday recipe is Chocolate Coconut Balls and they are sooo yummmmm. For recipe, visit my site http://ladedahails.blogspot.com
I cant say Ive ever received a present I didnt like. I cant think of one right now however Ill get back to you on that one!
Okay Im off to visit Wystful!
Thanks Hailey!!! I dropped by your blog too. :o)
You haven't see the last of me this weekend Carmen. hehehehehe
I know I'll probably grow on you --like snowflakes to a tree branch!!
Hey! I like parties that go into the wee hours of the morning. :) Wystful, I appreciate my snowman snowglobe, how lovely! And the song! I have my own Christmas song now!
Renee, hangman, but with a hamster. Ya'll gotta check it out!
Hails, I wish snow for you. The midwest just got a ton of it. I'm sure they'd be willing to give it up. :)
Next person, skip me and visit Wystful!
must be early for you guys, its pretty late for me tonight! Bought to head off to bed. Trying to find some xmas decorations for my site however have no idea how im gonna add them so they glitter and stuff. Anyone know???
Oh my goodness! Where to begin... Well, first -- your tree is beautiful! And I reeeeeeally like your wall clock!!! FABULOUS! Sooo... my favorite song? Usually whichever one is playing! LOL! No -- The Christmas Song... (cuz I doubt the DJ has Christmas Eve In Washington)! Now I'm off to visit Hails!
Ok, can I have Bagel Bites even though it's way too early in the morning?? ;) I love most Christmas songs, the whole Christmas Il Divo album has been getting a lot of play time in my house though. I'll be back later, too much to do today!
Thanks, thanks so much for the partridge link :)
Just updated my post linking here too. Let's party!!!
off to Melli's, from the insane blog, lol!
Mama Duck was quicker :)
Carmen....yep, it's me again. I promise, the last time --don't wanna be a blog hog!!
But, wanted to stop by and thank you for the giftie this morning that you left in my comments!!
I love it!! That is just too funny.
I have it up with my other gift from the ones here at your blog party!!
Here he is --the sad snow....??...errr, ummm soul!!! *giggles and snorts*
Mmmm... is that homemade Chex mix?? Yum. And it's not in the rules, but I'm trying to be a nice guest, so I've brought some Glühwein to the party. :)
My absolute favorite Christmas song is Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24 by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. I can't do anything but listen when it's on.
I'll have to do some thinking about the worst gift, and holiday recipes. I'll be back later.
Your tree is gorgeous! My favorite xmas song is "Silver Bells." Worst gift was some stupid fake leather-covered memo pad that one of my husband's employees brought to a present exchange. Wha?? I'll be back to comment on other stuff...going to see darla.
Hello everyone, I'll have a little bit of this egg nog!!
I like your tree, very festive. I like a lot of Christmas songs, how about something traditional like O Holy Night?
Carmen, Very pretty tree and your decorated mantle is gorgeous!
I'll help myself to some 'lil quiches, and some Arti dip!!
My favorite song this year is Mary Did you know!
[Clearing her throat...]
I saw my agent kissing Santa Claus
Underneath the mistletoe last night
She didn't see me creep,
down stairs to have a peep!
She thought that i was tucked up
in my bedroom fast asleep.
Then I saw my agent inappropriately touch Santa Claus
Underneath his beard so snowy white
Uncomfortable it made me
To see her be such a loose lady
So I took a shot of tequila and went to pass out, baby.
[Thinking to herself...those are the words, right?]
[Looking around desperately for the tequila shooters...]
What the hell, Carmen! CHRISTMAS PUNCH!? Where's the hard stuff this feline empress likes to down?
[Nervously nibbling a Bagel Bite...]
I just need my dear friend, Jose Cuervo. I'm just sayin'...
Oh this is a wonderful party you've thrown Carmen! I'm glad I could stop by.
Kukka. RUM. Did you not see the RUM? :)
christmas punch is better when spiked.
glad ya'll like the party!
jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell rock
jingle bell rhyme in jingle bell time
whoever's next. Skip me and visit the lovely Chey!
[Gingerly placing tassles on her multiple nipples and teetering on clear, plastic platform stripper shoes, Kukka winds up for some serious choreography]
Have a holly, jolly Christmas,
It's the best time of the year,
I don't know if there'll be blow,
But down a couple beers.
Have a holly, jolly Christmas,
And when you walk down the street
Say "WANT A DATE?" to friends you know
And make the cops chase you down the street.
Carmen, what a lovely gift... now getting me to wear it. I know it will look good, but, I hate anything that might constrict my movements.
Now, back to that rum punch, though the Woman is a bit peeved by it. I put Kukka's new car on the credit card...
Oh and Carmen, this is what I'm getting you:
It's a bit nicer than what I'm getting everyone (except Kukka!)
Feliz Navidad!
I know , it's early but ...:)
Hey, I am getting presents!!!!! I love your party, Carmen, that's why I came back for more!
Oooh. Now I'm singing
Feliz Navidad. Feliz Navidad. ummmm. blah blah something that rhymes with Navidad.
Thanks for my present Chey!
Kukka, you are such a good songwriter!
oh, and whosever next, go see Mar. Keep forgeting to say that.
[Donning a huge, white, round suit and staggering around the room in what can only be described as an awkward pantomime of a snowman]
I'm a snowman...made of snow.
Crap. I talked during a pantomime.
[Lying on her back, multiple cat nipples exposed and yawning]
Carmen, I forgot to tell you how incredible your tree looks. The way you put those lights on...it just gave it so much "depth!"
[Yawning again...]
Am I the only one left playing?
Nice party, Carmen! I'll have a glass of apple cider, please...could you add a splash of Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum? Thanks!
So...one of the worst gifts I ever got was a gold lame (la-may, altho it WAS quite 'lame', too) key chain, you know, the kind that has metal keyholders inside and it folds over three time with a clasp in front? I'm sure it was either 1. regifted to me, or 2. given to me when the giver got it as a free gift with some cheap ass cologne.
LOVE your tree! It's beautiful :-)
Off to see kukka-maria :-)
Zeus grabs the microphone and begins to belt out this rather unknown holiday classic:
Kitties we have heard on high,
Singing loudly through the night,
And the tenants in reply
Echoing their lack o'delight.
Gloria, in apartment D-O.
Gloria, in apartment D-O.
Kitties, why this jubilee?
Why these croonings of happy cheer?
What great brightness did you see?
Just the full moon coming near!
Gloria, in apartment D-O.
Gloria, in apartment D-O.
Come to New York City and see
They to whom stray kitties sing
Come adore them on bended knee
Stray kitties, entertaining kings!
Gloria, in apartment D-O.
Gloria, in apartment D-O.
The worst gift I have ever received has got to be The Collector's Edition DVD of The Dark Crystal....and because I am such a TERRIFIC, LOVING, and FANTASTIC sister, I never returned it. It sits on my book shelf to this day, collecting dust in all of its Jim Henson glory.
Okay, I'm here to party! Let's see, my favorite Christmas song would have to be Merry Christmas Darling.
Off to spread some holiday cheer!
Okay, I'm here to party! Let's see, my favorite Christmas song would have to be Merry Christmas Darling.
Off to spread some holiday cheer!
Kailani, I absolutely loved my Christmas gift. I think my human pet loved it more though. You're such a doll to think of me!
And in honor of you, here is a little Christmas carol:
Zeus clears his throat...
Have a holly, jolly Christmas;
It's the best time of the year
I don't know if there'll be snow,
but have a cup of cheer.
Have a holly, jolly Christmas;
And when you walk down the street
Say Hello to friends you know
and everyone you meet.
Oh, ho, the mistletoe
hung where you can see;
Somebody waits for you;
Kiss her once for me.
Have a holly jolly Christmas,
and in case you didn't hear,
Oh by golly, have a holly,
jolly Christmas this year.
Oh for poo's sake, I hadn't even noticed Kukka did her newly released version earlier. Look at me, making an ass out of my kitty-self. Hmph! Well, I tried.
Kukka's version is much better, and I highly suggest you scroll up!
*I'm dreaming of a Warm Christmas
because I am freezing my patootie off*
Lovely party Carmen
Kukka, glad they caught your performances on video. I would have hated to miss them!
I think the worst gift I got was wool underwear. The itching was simply unbearable, and then to make matters worse, there's photos being held against me. Ugh...
HA HA Zeus! Great singing voice by the way. I'll have to look around to see what I want to get for you. It must be something for a big strong handsome tomcat like yourself...
Wool underwear?? Truly?? WOW!! Golly, the worst gift ever.... I usually do pretty well now that my grandparents live far away and just send me money. I did get an odd crocheted plant hanger thing once, with big ugly beads, not to mention the fact that I'd never hang a plant regardless of that thing..... it's long gone though ;).
Another worst gift ever that I got was a free spa treatment at DDO. Who could forget the wonderful way the personnel there treated me? That was absolute magic I must say.
Zeus, as I am allergic to wool underwear, I can feel your pain - um, well, in a sense.
It's hard to chose my worst gift. I put so much thought into gifts for others, that I'm always a bit disappointed when folks take the easy way. Like getting me silver photo ornaments when they've seen my tree a hundred times and the tree is do ne with gold (and they know I don't like silver). Stuff like that.
Next in line - skip over me and visit Zeus!
Carmen, I have found the most perfect gift for you. Merry Christmas!
Finally! An Idiot-Free Location!
It only cost me a measley three million dollars!
LOL Zeus has the BEST gifts! Lil' Duck is offering his lightning mcqueen car to the computer, what a generous gift, his beloved toy..... ;)
Zeus, and you make me look so cheap, for what I gave you..
Carmen, I think I'd look excellent against that wall of yours. Perhaps a painting of me would look good. It matches my eyes so well you know...
Zeus, you know it'd be nice for a while, but they'd just follow me there. :) I love the gift though, very thoughtful! If I could only build a fence. hmmmm. I'll work on it.
Chey, there's only the one blue wall - and you're looking at ALL of it! ha. I got tired after sponge-painting that one! I made the clock, though. Maybe I can have a picture of you at each number stop!
For all you cats, Pooh is offering a virtual gift of celephane. He loves playing with that stuff!
Run run rudolph!
(Darn, forgot the rest of the words. But it's got a good beat we can dance to!)
And thank Lil' Duck for the car. It's a beautiful gift and I'm honored, but he will enjoy it much more!
Now skip me and go to Chey's blog!
Hummm... do I go to see carmen? I am seeing carmen.
Well let me find a cool gift...http://disneyshopping.go.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/DSIProductDisplay?catalogId=10002&storeId=10051&productId=1198033&langId=-1&categoryId=14325
Hi, I heard all about this party and as I love Christmas I thought I would check it out. My fave Christmas Song is probably 'Merry Xmas Everyone' (such good memories).
Now I'm off to see Renee!
I think the worst gift I ever got was an iron. Needless to say, that relationship didn't last very long!
Off to visit bob-kat!
I was just at Kailani's place ;) - I offer you my gingergread and black cherry vanilla coke which is my breakfast ;).
Hi, Back again to see who's around. Worst gift I ever got was some nasty scratchy red underwear about two sizes two small!! Great party :-)
Off to see mama Duck
After a nice bit of ham, I had to come back and say, you know, sometimes all you need is one blue wall. Carmen, I think putting my likeness at each number on the clock would be a fantastic tribute!
Off to see Bob-Kat..
An iron? Someone gave you an iron? How did you not iron his face with it? :)
I thought I'd share my Christmas punch recipe with you - cuz i know you'll just want to run right out and make it.
1 pkg cherry kool aid
1 pkg strawberry kool aid
1 6oz can frozen orange juice concentrate
1 6oz can frozen lemonaide concentrate
2 cups sugar
3 quarts water
Dissolve sugar in warm water, then add the other items and mix.
Serve with a bit of gingerale if you want fizz, or rum, or vodka, etc.
Now skip me and go visit Bobkat!
My worst Christmas present... okay I've had a lot of really bad Christmas presents and most of them I've returned...like the cheap underwear from my ex-boyfriend's mother...so cheap that they've sewed the seams with that fishing line stuff and put a seam right in the middle of the crotch. Blech...I was embarrased to get them and returned them immediately even though it meant waiting in line forever at the cheap store she bought them at! I don't even remember what I bought myself with the money...probably something practical.
Off to see Chey
Most people will have a ham or turkey for Christmas, but not me! I'll be having TUNA! And my favorite way to have tuna is a tuna fish sandwich of course!
Zeus' Delicious Tuna Fish Sandwich Recipe
1 can of tuna
2 pickles
1 big tablespoon of mayonnaise
2 slices of toasted bread
Open up can of tuna, squeeze out water, and place into bowl.
Slice up pickles and add to tuna.
Slather on the mayonnaise to the mixture and stir!
Slab it on the bread and put together for a tasty feast!
Oh Zeus! That sounds so yummmy that I'm hungry enough to eat already.
I've found that you can buy dill pickle relish and I keep it on hand for Tuna and Chicken salad. Works great and no chopping... of to tell you this in person.
Does that tip count as a recipe?
If not how about this easy dip?
1 can of Hormel Chili (no beans)
1/2 stick of Velveeta Mexican style (as hot as you like)
cube up the velveeta and dump the chili over it. Heat in the microwave until the cheese melts or put all of this in your fondu pot and melt it there. stir and serve with tortillia chips... YUMMY!
What a delightful party, Carmen! And, I see you have lots of great guests too! I'm sorry that I don't have gift or recipe for you but my favotite Christmas carol is The Little Drummer Boy...but, trust me, you don't want to hear me sing it! LOL
Great party Carmen. :)
My favourite Christmas Song is "The Huron Carol" written by Saint Jean de Brebeuf, a Jesuit missionary to the Hurons, in what is now Canada. He wrote this carol in the Huron language as both gift and to help in his missionary and teaching efforts. It was later translated in English. I find it an incredibly beautiful and unique Christmas carol.
Here are the lyrics:
'Twas in the moon of wintertime when all the birds had fled
That mighty Gitchi Manitou sent angel choirs instead;
Before their light the stars grew dim and wondering hunters heard the hymn,
Jesus your King is born, Jesus is born, in excelsis gloria.
Within a lodge of broken bark the tender babe was found;
A ragged robe of rabbit skin enwrapped his beauty round
But as the hunter braves drew nigh the angel song rang loud and high
Jesus your King is born, Jesus is born, in excelsis gloria.
The earliest moon of wintertime is not so round and fair
As was the ring of glory on the helpless infant there.
The chiefs from far before him knelt with gifts of fox and beaver pelt.
Jesus your King is born, Jesus is born, in excelsis gloria.
O children of the forest free, O seed of Manitou
The holy Child of earth and heaven is born today for you.
Come kneel before the radiant boy who brings you beauty peace and joy.
Jesus your King is born, Jesus is born, in excelsis gloria.
I'd like to request "I'll Be Home For Christmas."
And also, could we possibly A Charlie Brown Christmas on the plasma? I've got it on VHS.
Ooh yes - Charlie Browns Christmas . I haven't seen that for soooo long!
BTW - another apalling present I had once was a cushion. Nothing special about it either!
Happy holiday party everybody!
Nice tree Carmen! I don't have anything for decorations up yet. I've been thinking about buying fake poinsettias for the vase in my office, does that count?
I'm trying to get my Christmas cards together and ordered today. I found a place on line that will do color copies for only .17 each...who knows how much shipping is, but I'm thinking it sure beats the .89 each that office depot & kinkos charge. I can even afford to have them print the b/w side at .02 each.
Another really yummy dip is our Shrimp Coctail dip.
1 shrimp coctail (if you can find it in the little jars) or one small ring of shrimp w/ coctail sauce
1 8oz cream cheese.
The easiest way to make this is to put everything into a food processor and pulse it until the cream cheese & the shrimp coctail are mixed together.
The hard way is to take every shrimp and cut it up into small chunks and then mix the cream cheese & coctail sauce in with the shrimp.
This dip is great with Ruffles or with Ritz or club crackers.
off to see the pink chihuahua princess
Here's a recipe for Italian Wedding Soup, a traditional favorite at my family's house during the holiday season!
Here's a great song from The Meezers, just in time for the holidays as well, entitled Hammy Smells! as sung to the tune of Jingle Bells! Bravo, I say!
What a cool looking clock! I love the purple light atop your pretty tree. :)
I can share some dove icecream bars.
I'm back and this time I come bearing gifts. For Carmen, the world traveler I found the perfect gift.
Off to spread some holiday cheer at ocean blue fire!
Ohh the party is still going. I think blogger is working again now. Thank good old santa!
Can i have some punch.... mmm yum!
So im gonna go and visit Local girl bearing gift and see how she is going!!
Merry Almost Christmas everyone!! Carmen, what a wonderful party :) *hugs* My absolute favorite Christmas song is a tie between two...Winter Wonderland and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer! I think I'll have some punch, indulge in some spinach dip (this is the ONLY way I'll eat spinach LOL) and go visit Hails!
Hey my pal Sam! Glad to see you were able to make it over here. Off to see you (like I don't already to that every single day)!
I have the perfect virtual gift for you!
Woohooo I like presents ;) Guess where I'm headed??? By the way Carmen, here is a gift for you!
I havent tried this, but it looks YUMMY!
Swirled Holiday Party Mix
Carmen, I think I forgot to mention, in all my excitement, what a LOVELY tree you have!
I dont think that I have ever recieved a truly bad gift that I just had to return LOL
*singing* Have a holly jolly christmas, it's the best time of the year...
The only thing that stinks is that when I'm online, there is hardly anyone else online LOL Cant wait to use the computer Kailani got me ;) Seriously though, cant wait till income tax time so I can have one at home!
Well! I see the party is still going strong! I've been out shopping all day yesterday... sorry I haven't been HERE more! (gotta run back out today!) I'm trying to think of the WORST gift I ever got -- but I'm always happy to get ANYthing... so I guess I don't have one! I'll go visit Samantha though!
Hello, I'm back again for a little study break!
I think the worst present I ever got was a kitchen towel. Just one and it wasn't like a Christmas one or something like that. Weird!
Hi, thought I'd drop by for soem festive cheer :-)
Off to see Goofy Girl!
I decided to stop by and share all of the fabulous chocolate my secret santa got for me at work! We have Dove chocolate bars, Triple Chocolate Kit-Kats, and a huge Hershey's Special Dark bar! Mmmmm!
Been busy today but here I am ready to party!!! hi marina!
Just got home from having lunch with The Big Man (Santa). Looks like the party is still going!
*singing* I'm dreaming of a white Christmas . . . because it's still so darn hot here!
Just saying Hi, keeping busy over here with lots of orders ;).
Got a mystery gift from Melli, but I'm not allowed to open it until Christmas! No fair I cant waitttttttttttttt hehe WOOHOO I get to stop by and see Mama Duck and Lil' Duck Duck!
oh fiddlesticks, it wont let me into Mama Ducks blog, I'll have to keep trying!
Hey Sam! For some reason I thought you weren't working tonight. Glad to see you here and thanks for my SPA package. I definitely need some relaxation!
since you've been so instumental to me using my creative juices.... there's a little ish for you at my blog... do visit...
Am I going to be your 100th comment? How cool is that?!
And please, DJ Carmen, can you play Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow (the Dean Martin version) for your UK buddy? Cheers!
Woo hoo! I can't believe I've missed out on this PARTY! Favorite song? Deck the Halls. I'm boring, I know. ;)
Worst gift? I've received pretty good ones, except a frog-something from a now ex-SIL. But even funnier, THAT Christmas I gave another SIL a present that the ex-SIL gave to ME a couple years previous. Of course, I had forgotten she gave it to me when I had re-gifted it. YIKES! She wasn't happy...
Favorite recipe? I used to love dipping pretzels with my mom when I was little. Should do that with my boys this year, too.
Okay, on to visit! ;)
Oh YAY! It's still going on! Well, I'm back and brought you a little gift! But don't you OPEN it until Christmas! ;) Okay... I'm off to visit Chaotic Mom... Hey! This eggnog is yummy!
Hello all! Merry Monday! I'm a sucker for Brenda Lee's Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree! Worst gift: a key chain. Worst company gift: an almost dead potted plant. Seriously. Happy Holidays! Gotta get back to my festive Starbucks cup! :)
Your tree is amazing! Looks gorgeous and what a great looking apartment, love the colour of the walls and the fire place~ Thanks so much for the apple cider and good conversation, I nodded off in the corner behind the tree last night. Oops. I am sorry, but to make it up to you, I have all kinds of donuts and bagels and cream cheese for breakfast.
[Kukka wakes up from where she passed out two days before. Burping, she looks around.]
Did I sleep through the entire party? Damn those spiked egg nog cocktails!
(out of breath) Hi, I had a busy sunday and today isn't any better, I am only shortly at home but have to leave in a few minutes, wanted to drop by to say hello. So: hellooooooo!!!!
Is there any Christmas punch left?? (can't wait to have that special recipe!!)
Sorry I missed the party Carmen! Looks like everyone had fun! Laters....ICL
Hey girlie!! Looks like i'm a day late, as always!! :) Sorry I missed it - I loved reading everyone's comments!
I've been in a blog funk, plus just super busy - but hoping to do better w/it now! Thanks for visiting my abandoned blog a few times! :)
Loving your Christmas tree & mantle! Very cute!! :) And your clock is awesome! I knew I loved your style! :)
Hope all is well & hope you're having a SUPER week, girlie!
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