Monday, April 16, 2007

When Will Then Be Now?

I've got some serious yen for spring. It's cold. It's windy. No snow here, but lots of cold rain. Is it April or December?

I had a dream last night where I was dating Matthew Maconoghey (I know I didn't spell his name right, and I'm too lazy to go look it up.) Why does the alarm go off right when a dream gets good? Clearly, Matthew is not on The one guy I liked? He's said 2 times now that we should get together, and that he'll get back to me (his idea) and didn't. I'm so done with that. I have a first meet tonight and one Thursday. I'm pretty much over the whole thing.

I've also got a case of the Mondays.


Renee Nefe said...

Maybe that's how I get up without an alarm clock...I know that when it's a good dream I should get up when the really good part comes up. LOL
Sorry for you and Matthew.

I don't understand why guys are like that. They seem interested and then just don't follow through. Men are hunters and are always looking for something better to come along...that's why they keep flipping the clannels on the TV. They may like this show, but something better might be on another channel.

There are some guys who are tired of playing the game and are serious about finding Ms Right...but about 1/2 of those are borderline obsessive.

Good luck out there. I'm sure Mr Right is out there for you.

Red said...

We've got the opposite problem here: it's virtually summertime. I'm up here in the office with shorts and a T and I'm sweltering! If things continue like this, you will have to travel by freezer when you hit our shores in July...

Jules said...

When will then be now??


Hahahaha - I lOVE that line and quote it ALL THE TIME!

You're the best!!

Melli said...

In 37 days 13 hours and 37 minutes - if you get this quick!

Teena in Toronto said...

I'm sooooooooooo done with winter! It was 3C today, windy and rainy :(

Anthony said...

I didn't get a case of the Monday's until I got home and saw the news.

I'm not sure when then will be now, but I hope it's soon...

As for the guy ... just grab the million spacebucks and RUN!

...or the 248 spacebucks for lunch, gas and tolls.

Anonymous said...

Let us know how the dates go. You never know when you'll meet Mr. Right!

Anonymous said...

I hate alarm clocks that ruin dreams like that. Its not fair at all and no matter how hard you try to go back to sleep, you dont have anyluck getting back to that spot!

As for the other guy you liked, loser. U deserve someone who will worship you, not someone who wont ring you back. One day you will find him babe, he may not be as far as you think ;O) your beautiful and men are crazy! If you were here, you would have men falling at your feet!

Amy said...

ugh I had a case of the Mondays too! Believe me, I'm with you on the dating thing. The thought of dating makes me ill. Plus guys are just dumb sometimes :) (I said sometimes people!!!)