- Carmen Blog. And the result? Insanely Hot. Of course, that is followed by the words "Carmen Electra", but for a brief moment I was excited. :)
- Plaid Underwear. Who knew my posts about an ex with bad plaid underwear would spark a revolution?
- "Here's Your Sign." My message about stupid people and how they should be elimintated is getting out there! Keep spreading the news!
- Amazing Race MySpace Code. Kukka and I are big news ever since our stint on the show. I'm sure we'll be getting our own show soon. But for some reason, we didn't get asked to do the Amazing Race All Stars. I guess they figured we'd smoke the competion.
- Carmen Woo. Hey, wow, people are cheering for me!.
- What Does "My Mom Had a Cow" Mean? So that no one who searches for this is disappointed, it means she had a fit. My mom and I have "cows" all the time.
- Spaceballs Funny Lines. Thus, the name of my blog.
- Gerber Daisy My Space Layout. Post a pic of a gerber daisy one time and they never let you forget it. That picture was protected under copyright, by the way. So if someone stole it, it'll cost you a squillion dollars!
- Lap Dance Gone Bad. Who told?
- "Reasons I Love My Mom." It even comes up in a search. Mom, ya can't say I don't love ya!
- Kuala Bears. Obviously one of those people who thinks spelling is insignificant.
- An image search for "Carmen Fertility god." Geesh! I hope I'm not a fertility god. That's one scary thought.
- Snoopy Happy Dance. Just for fun, I'll post it again.
Links to other Thursday Thirteens! Other 13 participants only. But everyone feel free to leave a comment, too! Comments rock! Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Tags: Thursday Thirteen , Thursday 13, Meme,
hahah what a GREAT idea!
My best search string was "Why do Pigs Get Parvo?" I still really really need to post on that subject...
Hey Carmen. I gotta learn more about this blogging stuff.
I came to tell you that Wendy Wings is back and Auditions are open!
Hahah those are some great searches... :)
I must do a list like this in the future. They are hilarious!
Carmen Blog, Hot, Woohoo! :-)
thanks for visiting my music TT.
I was wanting to do this some day but my blog site doesn't allow java script anymore and site meter won't show the searches without it. So sad. Enjoyed reading yours!
I love the "Carmen woo" one! Maybe you have mystical "woo woo" powers that you don't know about?
LOL! I used to "birth forth" with COWS all the time! I'm delivering far fewer the older I get! Fun 13 dear!
My mom and I have "cows" all the time.
LOL That was my favorite one. I actually haven't checked my searches in awhile. I'll have to do so now. Have a great Thursday!
Ha, I ought to post some of the ones that make me laugh hysterically ;). Great post!
Carmen, Love the new Look!
Those are hilarious. Kukka and you would make a great team on TAR, I'd rather see you than Rob and Amber!
Have a great Thursday!
Come visit my Valentine's T13!
That's funny! I'd be afraid to check mine lol
Great idea for a T 13. Have a great Thursday!
OK, so I'm called Still Life With Soup Can. And I get all these wackjobs looking for sites on creationism ("life came from god not soup") or botulism ("is soup safe to eat if can has huge dent in side"). Search terms is one of my fave games!
certainly not as scary as it could have been
not as bad as it could have been, though I may have said that before
I am just glad people quit coming to my blog looking for naked rollerskating nuns. I blogged on that soooo long ago.
Great idea for a T13. I will be stealing it soon! My Thursday Thirteen is up. It is #28 and it is about My 13 Trigger Foods. Stop by if you get a chance.
Check out my newest post. I was nominated! And so were you!
It's so bizarre, and often disturbing, what brings people to our sites! Be thankful you don't have the word "monkey" in your blog's title. Trust me.... ;)
These are always fun to read!! Crazy searches!
Fun list! It's always interesting to see what search terms people use to find blogs, some of which make sense and some that make you go "what?"
Congrats on your investigative referral report!
I think we weren't asked to do Amazing Race All-Stars because of the other contestants' jealousy.
It was bound to happen...
I loved your Amazing Race post!
I don't think I have thirteen people that come to my blog! lol
Ha! Great idea for the TT13!
Mine's up too :)
That's a good list. I'd hate to tell you about some of the searches I get...seriously. Sometimes I don't even remember writing that stuff, but the Google does strange things to syntax.
wicked fun list -- I've been collecting some of mine for someday, but they're all b-o-ring.
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