I came across this contest in my Web surfing yesterday. I'm thinking of entering, but it's probably more of a guy thing. You'd never have to leave the john.
Speaking of potty, have you guys seen the shirtless Harry Potter pics? A) Somebody needs to tan badly B) My friend says he has a good body for a 17 year old, then wanted to scratch her eyes out for wanting to look at it again. :)
And Virginia politics is in the toilet (front page news, I know). If you live in Virginia, please please please email your state representatives and tell them they are on crack if they pass new legislation that would up the gas tax to pay for transportation. It seems that they do not buy gas, as they clearly don't understand that the price is too high already. Plus, the entire state would have to pay extra to fund roads in only one section of the state. (Northern Virginia clearly has more issues than, say, Podunk, where I was raised.)
Note how I tied three totally unrelated posts together? I'm so good.
I feel like a middle aged Mrs Robinson, as all the thoughts I have had about Harry Potter, since seeing those pictures have been, ahem lurid! I may sell my house so I can go to London and see this show!
Oyyyyyyy VEY! Girl what have you gotten IN to? Well... I'm passin' on the John thang! Have NO desire to spend my life there! Thanks BUTT no thanks!
The Potter boy needs a) some muscles... and b) a tan... and c) some SENSE! He is faaaaar to scrawny to be making pictures like that! WHAT was he thinking???
And... I'll just be glad I live in Maryland....
OH! and ... if YOU are going to pimp out YOUR potty... ya might wanna wait until AFTER the OPEN HOUSE! Just a thought... ;)
eeeeuuuuuu i can't believe my cousin said that! eeeeeuuuuuuuuuu!!!
You are so good to tie those three things together! Way cool
The Dan Radcliffe pix are disturbing to me... as it isn't just shirtless there...unless he's wearing super low rise pants. I suppose that's one way to avoid being typecasts, but it didn't work so well for that gal who did Showgirls. LOL
And that pimped out john looks kinda like what they did on Tool Time/Home Improvement way back. course it's updated now with all the newer features...but I think that Tim Allen and his writers might be after them for some copywrite stuff.
And about your gas tax, ummm when we were in VA we were looking for how to buy your gas and ship it back home! We found gas at $1.99 when we were paying almost $3! I guess our legislature has already taxed us a bunch...and of course they are looking for more. BAH!
Yeah,I just have to say those shirtless HP pics scared the crap out of me. Is he trying to become a sex symbol now? Ain't working! Get back on your broom and fly dude!
I'll pass on the John thing and the Potter Pics. I'm not interested in the body of 17 year old. In some countries that would be illegal. My teen daughter might be interested in a shirtless 17 year old but not I. lol Shame on your friend.
I just think it's hilarious how people are in an up-roar about how "Harry Potter" is the role-model of children and his photos are inappropriate.
"Harry Potter" may be a role model, but let Daniel Radcliffe live his own life, for crying out loud!
Ok...back to looking at his bod. Can I go to jail for that because he's only 17? I'm a cat and only 7...
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