- If you were to buy someone a partridge in a pear tree this year, it would cost you $144.99. That's up from the low price in the 1990s when it was only $27.89. I blame it on oil costs. ;)
- Turtle Doves are a bargain this year! At their 22-year low of $40. Of course, if you buy two of them, it's $80. (see, I can do math!)
- However, French Hens are pricier this year. $45 buckaroos a piece. Maybe it's because they're imported.
- Calling birds would be incredibly annoying, especially at $479.96!
- Gold is cheaper this year. You guys can go buy me a gold ring. Heck. Buy FIVE of them, as they're not far from their 22-year low price of $250.
- The geese that are laying jumped in price starting in 2003, and now they'll run you $300! Geese are annoying, too. They poop on everything. And they're mean little buggers, too, all hissing at you.
- Swans a' swimming were on a downward spiral, but have gained in the past few years. The highest cost in recent years was $7000!
- The maids a' milking apparently want bigger tips, because they're trading at their high of $40 each. I don't want to know what they're milking, or where you put the money.
- And the dancing ladies (I'm not going to ask what kind of dancing) will cost you $4759.19.
- At first, on the PNC Website, I thought that the lords were leaping without any pants, which is why they would be at their 22-year high price of $4160.25. But that was just my wishful thinking and some bad graphics.
- The pipers piping must be smoking crack pipes, because they're going for their "high" of $2124.
- Did you like the movie "Drumline"? Because maybe you'll be the one to fork over $2301 to buy a drummer drumming.
- If you buy all the twelve days of Christmas items, in their appropriate amounts (ie: 8 maids of milking) you will spend $75,122. Can I be on YOUR Christmas list?
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And I thought I spent a lot on Christmas!!
Mine will be up soon ... I'm migrating to the new Blogger and it's taking forever. I'm very scared!!!!!
It's Wednesday and I come by and see a Thursday 13? What's up with this? I think Seven Siamese cats would have been more appropriate than Seven Swans a Swimming. I felt badly for those who were down in price, considering so much was up...
I'm working my way round the blog roll for Saturday Photo Hunt, maybe by New Years i will get to everyone lol
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!
How did you find all this out...I can just see you on your lunch break today click google. click french hen click gold...
Oh that was a real treat to read this list...and I wonder what all the origins of these gifts are and why these such gifts....?
Great fun, thanks Carmen.
My list is super short this week...I owed you all that as I've been so long winded lately. I made a list of the last 13 search items that brought people to my blog...
It's supposed to be "My True Love gave to me..."
Which reminds me of the line in Shrek 2 where the girls in the barn are fighting over Shrek and he learns he has to kiss his true love by midnight.
Fun, creative idea for a list! Now, someone needs to make up song lyrics a long those lines, too.
Have a great Thursday!!
Carmen, this is a genius post! A little mercenary, perhaps, but genius nonetheless.
Merry Christmas!
Oh, that's fun! I'm with you--those lords really look like they have no pants. I'll pick those to send to you--I'm pretty sure I have enough Monopoly money to cover them.
And I'm guessing the French hens (as well as the geese and swans) are expensive because of continued fears of avian flu. It's expensive to get them all tested, don't you know. ;)
glad i am done with my christmas shopping!
my tt is up.
LOL! A great commercial for 'What's in your wallet?'
Have a great Thursday!
I can't afford that.. I'll got to Walmart :) Happy TT and thanks for dropping by.
Love the kitty video on the side.
Funny list! :) Your comments on each item are great. That's a very expensive 12 days!
Happy Holidays. :)
Great list!!! thanks for stopping by my TT about Yule. Happy Holidays!
You know...the geese and everything...makes me wonder if the true love was sometimes mad or something....
LOL!!!!! What fun! :) Merry Christmas to you! I'm up- Happy TT!
So I guess asking for a car is not such an expensive item after all. I'm going to go add one to my list. :) Merry Christmas!
Hhaha, this is cute. Very expensive though!
But this is priceless! Did you research this?
Mine are leaving crumbs.
Hmm yes, seems a little low for the dancing "ladies." And does that price include what the pipers are piping?? 'Cause I'd like some of that. Really, all I want for Christmas is a Dick in a Box. mwhahahaha...Justin mwahahaha...Step One, cut a hole in a box...
You win the prize for creativity this week. Definitely.
There was an article similar to this 13 in our local paper this morning!!!
Coincidence?.....or conspiracy?
Good to know!
Happy Thursday! Mine are up.
$75,000 worth of crap! I would settle for a laptop computer. ;)
Those were awesome. I love all your comments to go with. I wouldn't have paid $7000 for a swan. I agree with KarenW. Put a new car on my list, or a cruise. Your list puts other great gifts in prespective. HAHA!
Merry Christmas, Carmen!
Who knew that swans would be the most expensive? I loved this, it made me laugh, thanks!
I think it should be "A Kukka in a Pear Tree." I'm expensive, but competitive with market value.
you would spend $70,000 and I dont want most of this stuff!
Every year I listen to this, and I still remain fascinated by the fact that someone takes the time to figure this out. I wonder if anyone ever uses this information for serious Christmas shopping...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, Carmen!
I love this! I've seen it before, but I always enjoying seeing the current day status.
p.s gwar underwear? Gwar is a fantasy costume alien band that plays heavy metal. I saw them a year ago in concert and I bought a pair of their merchandise underwear...make sense now ha ha ha!
You know I already have a pear tree...do you think I could get that partridge for a special price? lol!
Happy holidays, dear, don't spend too much but have a great time!
This is why no one actually gives these items any more. The prices have totally gotten out of hand.
For $75K we could have a couple of new cars, or ....
Merry Christmas!
Eh, who needs 11 pipers piping anyway? Or 3 french hens. These are definitly not on my wish list.
*CRAP* I'm starting to hate that Linky thing! I always click it - and then realize I don't belong there! Shoooooot! Well... anyway... I'm not playing TT -- but I always visit you anyway! And LUCKY am I to have my very OWN drummer drumming! That will save me a considerable sum of money! And my drummer is upstairs practicing even as I type! And I'm very relieved to hear about the price of gold -- cuz we have to buy them for 8 days! So that still adds up to a tidy amount! And you DO know those Turtle Doves are actually going to end up costing $880 overall -- right???
That is HILARIOUS! (and expensive!) I wouldn't mind chipping in for the pantless Lords a'leaping though!
Have a great holiday and thanks for visiting Snarkypants!
And who said Christmas isn't expensive? LOL!
how is it that a maid a milking only gets $40 but the dancing ladies get $4000+ ? milking ain't easy! maybe if the maids wore exotic dancer clothes?
This is great! Thank goodness my list isn't that much.
Happy TT
Heh, brilliant idea for a TT. Who decides to figure these things out?! Too pricey for me...
Just gimme 75,000 scratch tickets and we'll call it even. :)
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