Bone was having a conversation on his blog about VH1s top 100 songs of the 80's. They were chosen by VH1 viewers, and Bon Jovi's Living on a Prayer was voted #1. Bon Jovi? I mean, they were good, but the quintessential 80's song is Thriller - by Michael Jackson. How can you have even a top 10 without Thriller? Billie Jean was in the top 5, and they got it right with Duran Duran (I heart John Taylor and Simon Le Butt!) at number 3 (but not the right song, they voted Hungry Like the Wolf, and I'd have to say Reflex or Rio.) Then Renee posted this quiz and I sadly missed only one or two. I'm a child of the 80s!
These viewers must not have been 80s children. They have no idea what they're talking about. But then Bone left Duran Duran out of his top 10, so I'm a little worried about him.
So my top 10, based more on songs that defined the 80s, not necessarily my favorites would be
1. Thriller - Michael Jackson
2. Like a Virgin - Madonna
3. Rio - Duran Duran
4. White Wedding - Billy Idol
5. Whip It - Devo
6. Video Killed the Radio Star - Buggles
7. Billie Jean - Michael Jackson (yes, Michael gets 2, he WAS the 80s)
8. I Love Rock N' Roll - Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
9. Safety Dance - Men Without Hats
10. I Ran - Flock of Seagulls
Really, I don't know what I'm saying. There's no way to narrow it to 10!
My fav from your list is Madonna...but I'm more of a 60's/70's kind of person. lol
I think you need some van halen in there - not enough hair bands. I'd add jump or hot for teacher to the list.
That's a pretty good list.
My lasting memory of Duran Duran was when the Phila. Auto Show gave away a car that was autographed by the band. Dopey Simon signed it in HUGE white letters on the driver's side windshield. I guess he either (a) figured it wasn't going to be driven or (b) forgot that we drive on the left side.
Either way, why would he sign the windshield?
It would be hard to pick a top 10 of the best songs of the 80's but I agree; Thriller kinda defined the whole era IMHO. I'll have to take that test & see how I rank.
Yes girlfriend, you are a child of 80's. Wish you could have joined us on Friday. We had such a good time. This was really impromptu so will try to give you some advanced warning next time.
I would only recognize them because you are my kids' age. Don't hear much music these days--thank goodness!
Final Score: 49.45; but I didn't listen to or like hair bands in the 80s ;-)
And you're right...The Reflex is vastly superior to Rio!
ah... the 80s! *sigh*
I love the obscure 80s artists that didn't survive beyond the 80s. And 80s movies. And Cindi Lauper... I can't believe you don't have Cindi Lauper on your list!
Sometimes I think I have blocked that entire decade from my mind. Although--I did see a leotard for sale (right there on the aisle no less) at J.C. Penney's the other day. I guess having to get completely naked to pee is coming back in style.
I scored 70.1, not bad for someone who grew up in the 70's.
Tina, I agree about Cyndi Lauper. (I used to have the hots for her, back in the day... mainly just cuz she looked so WEIRD.)
Janet, I prefer Rio, but that's just me. (I saw D/D in concert in '84.)
Ok, I kinda agree. Your list is mostly the first half of the 80s. Bon Jovi was the last half. Perhaps it could be more balanced over the entire decade.
Such serious stuff. How will I ever get any work done?
I couldn't narrow down a list of just 10 80's songs...maybe 110. LOL!
As a High School grad of 1985 I think I'm the quintessential 80's child.
I had a friend in HS who would take Keds and decorate them with all our favorite bands. They were very cool and went well with our leg warmers!
ROFL! You had TO BE a child of the 80's to "appreciate" the 80's! Cuz really... honestly... the 80's ... well I won't go there! Now, the 70's.... oh yea! And even the late 60's... ;)
LOL! I went and took the quiz for kicks and grins... I scored a 43.5 ... it said "Don't Push Me"... I knew I'd do bad on that one! LOL! (and then he didn't even give me points for Billy Jean -- cuz I spelled it Billy instead of Billie and I spelled Jessie Jesse - so I didn't get that one either! Most of them I left blank! OY!~ I need one for the 70's...
Thriller as number one is completely appropriate. I would have gone with "Reflex" for Duran Duran, though. I used to love, love...LOVE that song!
I took the test and only missed a couple, too. I guess all of that recording my favorite songs off the radio on my cassettes in the 80's paid off!
If i read the titles of these, I can make an exciting story from it.
But I have vivid imagination.... *lol*
Oh, I just noticed: only 65 days until your Hawaii trip!!!!!!
OMG! Now I'm really totally green of envy....
I love the 80's and I love your list!!!! yes, it's too hard to narrow it to 10 songs!
Ok, as a child of the 80s (and a former DJ as well), I scored far far too well on this quiz! Duran Duran, in my opinion, are still the best band EVER...though The Reflex is one of their worst. (sorry...but bad Duran is still better than most anything else!) I have to agree that VH1's choices were rather lacking. And since Video Killed the Radio Star was the 1st video every played on MTV, it should be listed pretty darn high (Duran's Planet Earth was the third video ever played...yeah, I know far too much 80s trivia)
I was a bit surprised by that number 1 too. I agree that Thriller should be there.
I keep thinking of songs I should have included since I made my list. I'm up to about 25 top ten songs :)
I love the 80s. It's what I usually listen to during the day.
I'll take the test when I get a chance.
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