Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Vegas Baby!

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Well, friend Irish and I just booked our 5th annual TRIP TO VEGAS! (the pics are from last year's trip.) For some reason, I never get tired of that city. We'll be heading out for Labor Day weekend, because she found some INSANE airfare out of Baltimore and it's even a non-stop flight, so hooooray! for that. Even if I do have to drive to Baltimore, it's still way cheaper than flying out of Dulles.

We will be staying two nights in the VENETIAN hotel, which we've wanted to do for forever. I can guarantee you it can't be worse than the "5-star" (their claim) Bellagio - or the Crapalagio, as I like to call it. Again, we got an INSANE rate for the rooms on Thursday and Friday, and then the Venetian went INSANE because they were charging over $500 a night for that Saturday night, so we're staying the third night in the Luxor. Since we just got back from Egypt, we thought we'd just stick with the Egyptian theme.

I've seen most of the touristy things in Vegas, so this year, we're renting a car on Saturday and heading off on the open road to go see something that doesn't exist. WTF? you're asking. Well, we're going to drive to Area 51, and look at the fence that surrounds "nothin" as the gov't says. Which just cracks me up, and tells me to always question what the government tells me. We're going to look for aliens and take pictures of signs on the Extra Terrestrial Highway, and then stop at the Little Alie' Inn (I don't know if that's the right spelling) for some good diner food in in Rachel, Nevada. Basically, we're going for a really long drive to see something that's not there and buy alien stuff because we're weird - but FUN!

Other highlights - Spa day at the brand spankin' new Treasure Island spa (with a very bad name - "Wet"), our "moo" (steak) dinner at Emeril's Delmonico restaurant (ate there last year and it was possibly the best meal ever), Star Wars penny slots, Freemont Street $3 blackjack, hopefully I'll FINALLY get to see the stupid Treasure Island Pirate Show (I've missed it 4 years running), Cheesecake Factory cheesecake giggles (sugar high to keep us awake) and basically not being here and missing two days of work.

What happens in Vegas never stays in Vegas, so I'll be sure to tell you all about it on the blog. Well, most of it. ;) Each time we go, we have some odd story to tell. For example, last year, Irish went into a shop and this woman went nuts over her hair, touching it and stroking it and just going all ga-ga. The year before, some guys picked us up in the House of Blues - aka HOB - and while one guy was kissing my hand (bleck) the other was taking off her shoe and touching her foot. That did not go over well. I can't wait to experience this year's story. All fodder for the next book, which is well underway.

PS: I can't wait to see the ads that Google serves up after this post. ;)


Anonymous said...

oooh, will you go to Hart and Huntington Tattoo, in the Palms Casino Resort and get your picture taken with Dizzle? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease?

Anthony said...

I think it's obvious, from your last two posts, that guys have a thing for your hands.


Unknown said...

Oh cool!! I too love that city. It's been 3 years since hubby and I have been there.

Is your flight at night? I love to fly into that city at night and just be awed by the lights!!

Oh, have so much fun! For me too!!!! Heck, that is just a little over a month to wait. The time will fly by-----no, pro'lly not. But it'll come soon enough.

Got any shows to see?

Katherine said...

oooh, so jealous!! I've eaten at Delmonico and absolutely love it!! The homemade potato chips - you must have some and tell me about them in excruciating detail.

One Scrappy Gal said...


I hope to go visit someday! I want to gamble $20 on the machines and see if I make it big! :)

Hope you take lots of photos.

Anonymous said...

Janet - we went to H&H last year and Jenny McCarthy was in there filming for some TV show and my backside (clothed) was in the scene. Thankfully, that clip didn't make it on TV.

Carmen - I'm ready to go INSANE!!!!!

Melli said...

Oh you two! I can just imagine! Just stay out of Hamburger Hamlet - if they have one! (what IS it about your hands, and men?) Can't wait to here about the aliens....

Shannon said...

My former in-laws live in Vegas. Love those people. If you get into trouble or need some "road less traveled" tips , let me know and I'll hook you up. The wildlife conservation area is supposed to be amazing!

Charlene Amsden said...

Okay -- I live in Vegas and I have some very bad news for you -- the Treasure Island pirate show no longer exists. They have traded in all those glorious bare-chested men for bikini clad girls ... instead of TI, we locals now call it T&A. Sorry.

The only continuity in Vegas is that things change ....

Renee Nefe said...

DH & I had a fab time when we were just there...except for all the cigarette smoking. blech! I had to shower each night to get the smell out of my hair.
At least you and Irish won't have to dodge the TimeShare creaps...they had their booth set up right on the way to our room.
If you sign up for those "gaming cards" you'll get lots of free offers for your next trip. We got our hotel room for free.

I wanna hear more about your bad stay at Bellagio.

Anonymous said...

wait for it- I have never been to vegas. really. but I watch CSI, does that count?? Jack has decided he needs to go there to find a hot girlfriend- maybe we watch too much CSI.

Renee Nefe said...

Thanks for the info on the bellagio. Since we don't have a gaming card there, I doubt that we'll ever stay there...I didn't even see the casino there. We did see the chocolate fountain though. DH wanted to stick his face in it...silly boy.

Anthony said...

Good news ... Hamburger Hamlets exist only in Virginia, Maryland and Southern California.
Lucky for you they're so close!

Although I think I might stop by the West Hollywood location if I'm ever out that way - just for the entertainment value!

Pink Chihuahua Princess said...

Penny slots rock!

Karizma said...

I'm so jealous! I'll just have to live vicariously...

Most of all, I'll be waiting for the Area 51 alien people-watching recap. :-)

Anthony said...

Oh ... I forgot ... have I ever told you how beautiful you are?

Well, you are. .. in so many ways.

Red said...

Vegas, baby, Vegas! Remember to always double down on 11, Carmen!

(I've never been, but I hear it's a load of fun.)

Bone said...

Hmm, be sure to get a pedicure before you go :)

Heather said...

Oh sweet!!

smizzo said...

I'm new here and have noticed that you are a Vegas fan (I leave on the 13th), a Buffy fan and a BB fan. We have a great things in common! :)

I hope you have a killer time over Labor Day, but then again, how could you NOT?!