Tuesday, February 13, 2007

It's Over, Yet Just Begun

Whew! It's over. I got an offer on my home yesterday. Scratch that. TWO offers. I knew about the first one, and it wasn't so great. The second one was a FULL PRICE offer. Wow! I signed all the paperwork last night through a raging migraine, and so now I don't have to keep my house in "show" condition.

I feel really bad for the girl with the first offer though. Her realtor wasn't the brightest bulb in the bunch, and she had her family advising her - telling her the market was terrible and she could essentially make a low-ball offer and get the place. I was on the market for 5 days, and had 2 offers. I could've countered to her to see if she could match the second offer, but there's a condition on the second offer that meant time was of the essence, and I just couldn't wait.

The condition is that we close my house on March 5. Which means I have to close on my house in Richmond on March 2. That's 3 weeks people! Argh!

So, if my blogging suffers, I apologize. I've got to get mover estimates, get boxes, start packing, start ordering appliances, transferring services, arranging deliveries and painters, etc. I'm tired just thinking of it.

But the good news is that I'm done with the selling, and I've got a full-price offer. Yea!


MaR said...

great news, congrats to youuuuu!!!! let's party!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how exciting!!!

Renee Nefe said...

That's fantastic news! And I know it may seem hecktic to move so quickly...but I actually prefer it. Less time to worry about everything. The best move we ever had was when we left Korea. We found out that we could go home and the very next day DH took the car to get it shipped home. We had the packers come within two weeks and we were gone in another 3 weeks. It was very nice...I thought so anyway.

I hope that everything goes great with your move and that your new home brings you nothing but happiness.

BTW: I can get you those thin mints if you really want them. ;o)

Renee Nefe said...

BTW again: all the Girl Scout cookies have zero trans fat this year.

Goofy Girl said...

Wow- that's really awesome!! I don't know much about houses and all but it sounds really good to me! :D In a month you'll be in a new okace 0 how exciting!!

Melli said...

Hallelujia!!! God IS good! I told you your condo was in a HOT SPOT! That is grrrrrreat! Ohhhh you will be packin' like a little packrat! Git 'er done, girl!

Yoshi said...

That's great to hear. Seems like a full price offer is so rare these days!

good luck on the move!

Uisce said...

hey excellent for you! boy that can be stressful, so I'm glad you're on your way!

Lazy Daisy said...

Way to go girlfriend. Congrats! I'm so happy for you but you will certainly be very busy the next few weeks . The new place sounds wonderful. Hugs and happy dances!

Anonymous said...

Congrats hun. If I lived closer I would come over and help you pack. :)

Kukka-Maria said...

So exciting! Can't wait to come to the new pad to flavor the new litterbox!


Irish Church Lady :) said...

Congrats Carmen! That's great news and very fast! Your new home sounds great as well. Always something happening with you isn't there?

Red said...

Wow, that was fast... Congratulations! I'm sure Pooh will be happy to get his litter box back, now that "housey showtime" is over. ;-D

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm sure it's a load off you mind to finally sell and move on. Good luck with all the moving!

Katherine said...

Good deal!! I'm thrilled for you. Good luck with the moving. Packing--argh. Unpacking--argh. Both best done with loud music and alcohol.