Gone to Plaid was born one year ago. It weighed 0 pounds, 0 ounces, was birthed by a crazy blonde girl who had an aversion to stupid people.
It's grown so much this last year. From frantically trying to get blog traffic from Blog Mad to visiting 100 Thursday 13s in a day, Gone to Plaid now leads a more settled, if not highly trafficked existance. Gone to Plaid's personality has made it easy to make friends, and the blogroll is happy to be so full, yet the blog is always looking for new friends, feline, canine, human, and yes, even the occasional "other."
I remember when one comment a day was enough to make Gone to Plaid a happy place, and now comments come in several times a day. It's like hearing "You've Got Mail" and it gives Gone to Plaid a warm fuzzy.
Its style is constantly changing, but it's heart remains the same. Happy blogiversary Gone to Plaid!
Congratulations to you, Carmen! It's been such a wonderful experience getting to know you, and I absolutely adore your spin on life. Keep posting for many years to come!
[Hoists a Gone-to-Plaid-green-apple-martini in your honor]
Happy Anniversary! So glad I found your blog, or maybe you found me first, not sure! Either way, cool!
Here you are one year and at the same time about to move to a new home. Must be great. Double celebration. Congratulations. (Hope you sell for a price you find comfy).
PS. It tok me a year to find your blog (I've been in the blogshere only since Aug 31 last year.)
Happy Blogiversary! It's been a year?! Wow. I remember you when you were just a weeee little one. :sniff: I'm so proud of the blog you've become. :sniff:
Enjoy the day!
Happy Blogiversary, Carmen!
You've only been blogging for a year? Wow. You got popular quick :)
Happy blogiversary Gone to Plaid! I remember you when!
Happy anniversary! It's always fun to see how things change over the years. Here's to more years of blogging! *cheers*
One year already? Look at you Miss Thing! Did you see that I paid homage to you on my T13? Bowing to your greatness! You go girl!
Congrats, Carmen. I wish I could get that kinda traffic, but I do tend to march to the beat of a kazoo player, if ya know what I mean.
Wow, when I fisrt started coming to you (around May), you already had so many readers, I thought you must have been doing it forever. Strange to learn Gone to Plaid was only an infant then...
Well done for sticking it out for a whole year and here's to many more! Happy, happy blogiversary!
I have the feeling I have known you forever and now you tell me you are only one year old!! happy blogiversary and many,many more! when is the party?? :)
OMG! I just realized what your header pix for your TT was! How sick. Who did that one? LOL
Happy Blogaversary!
Ohhhhh HOW COOL! Happy Anniversary GTP! How sweeeeet it is! You HAVE come a looooong way baby! *runs off to see when MY anniversary is... I know it's comin' up soon!*
wow, congrats! has it really only been that long? feels like you've been part of the fabric of the 'net for just forever!
Happy one year anniversary. I've enjoyed reading you :D
One year already? My, my, look how much you've grown!
Happy Blog Birthday!!!
Well, Happy Blogiversary to you!!! The time really flies by doesn't it?
Your blog is always fun to read and I love your new look.
I wish you many, many more years of blogging!
Oh you have grown so much in a year and its been a pleasure being part of the growth!!! Happy 1 year!
Oh you have grown so much in a year and its been a pleasure being part of the growth!!! Happy 1 year!
Happy Blogiversary! I know I have seen you around... but I just found you via Google search for Spaceballs, LOL!
Happy One Year Blogaversary!
Don't you wonder what you did with your time before? lol
Oh my gosh! Of all the days not to visit. I didn't visit on your blogiversary. I'm sorry I missed it. I'm sure it will give me a grand excuse to wear my tiara over on Meezer Monday!
Here's hoping the house buying and selling continues to go smoothly.
..........and I missed the party? D A M
Well, a belated happy anniversary. May it grow stronger the next year, and the next.
Afterall, if Gone to Plaid HADN'T have opened, I would not have had the chance to meet the spiffy, spunky, blond!!!
WTG!!! You rock.
Happy Blogiversary, GTP. Nice to know I was here from (almost) the beginning. Mine is coming up in April.
I never thought I would have as much fun with this as I have. Thanks for reading and adding me to the "Places to Go".
Let's be around for the second blogiversary!
Happy Blogiversary Carmen.
Happy Birthday Gone To Plaid. I've loved every minute I've been around :-)
Happy Birthday!
Did I tell you last time I commented that I like your new template? Very cool, love the swirly bits.
Happy birthday Gone To Plaid!! I'm one of those people that can say I knew you way back when!! :)
Happy Blogiversary! I've been so busy getting ready for the Oscars, I haven't had time to stop by!
Getting caught up now!
Glad you're 1...can't wait for those terrible twos!
Very cool that you have gotten lots of traffic and made lots of friends!! I would love to start doing that with my blog, which I started 2 and a half years ago.
Happy (belated) blogoversary!!
Read this in bloglines and meant to get over here sooner to say congrats...sorry...but congrats all the same! :)
Happy blogiversary.
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