- This is one of my Crate & Barrel snowmen with snow in his belly! I have 6 of them.
- This is my University of Virginia snowman. See the V with the sabres, and the orange and blue scarf?
- I love this oblong snowman (anyone see a theme yet?) with his pink and red hat.
- This is another Crate & Barrel snowman, glass with a tophat & fuzzy scarf.
- This here's a bouncy snowman. He's new this year. I have one holding a tree as well.
- Another new one for this year!
- Ok, after the snowmen, this is my FAVORITE ornament. I got it in Sydney when I was there, and I just think it's the cutest thing ever. It's a good reminder of my trip.
- Penguins are really in this year, and this guy - with a see-through glass belly - is also new to the tree this year.
- I got this ornament for the first tree I ever had on my own. I was living in DC (the first time, just out of college) and thought the Capitol would be an appropriate ornament. Also, you'll note the snowman ribbon that wraps around the tree. New this year as well!
- I've explained my fondess for Classic Pooh. This is my Pooh angel. All the angel ornaments are at the top of the tree. I got him on super sale one year on the day after Christmas, cuz he was expensive!
- Same sale! I like this one with a few more of the characters. I have enough ornaments to have a Pooh-themed tree, but the snowmen took over. :)
- Another trip memory! I got this little guy in Venice, Italy. He's made of Venitian glass from Murano, and he reminded me of my cat. I was scared he'd break the whole way home on the plane!
- My mom has a tradition each year of giving my sister and I ornaments for our tree. She gave me this little angel bear, and it holds a dear place in my heart. He lives at the top of the tree as well.
And just for good measure, since very few people see my tree in person, here's the brand spankin' new tree-topper I got this year. Shocker! It's a snowman! And a pic of my whole tree.
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All your decorations are beautiful! Besides "snowman" themes, I also notice a "glass" ornament theme going on! I swear sOMeday I'm going to do a themed tree... but every year it's so hard to think about NOT using our traditional ornaments! Soooooo... I don't! But ONE day I might do TWO trees... and make one of them a themed tree! ;)
#1 is my favorite! I love snowmen, too. I have a lot of snowmen decorations although not tree ornaments. I really love your tree topper, though! I'm on the search for a new one - is that from C&B, too?
Lovely decorations Carmen. It was a fantastic party, I must say!
Beautiful, I love them all!!
We don't have decorations so I'll live vicariously through yours :)
Mine's up!
Your tree ornaments are cute! I think the koala is my favorite in the list, but they're all winners :)
Your snowmen and other Christmas ornaments are adorable, Carmen! Great share for your 13! Thanks for the closeups!
I'm celebrating my 300th post today! Come 'n see
Very nice!
Beautiful tree...I love the bouncy snowman!!
Happy TT!
The snow-in-the-belly was so cute. That would be a "high on the tree" class ornament at our house. Don't want it touched and broken.
We have 3 non-themed trees...just lots of great ornaments.
I try to get a new rabbit ornament each year. I should try to see if I have 13 yet...they're so hard to find!
i like the springy guy
Oh, what a great idea for a TT! I love the bouncy snowman.
My TT is holiday-ish, too, but it's not nearly so nice.
You have an absolute amazing lot of decorations there. Penguin is cute as well as the dangly snowman. Actually they are all too cute!
Fab decs! I love the snowman with snow in his belly, the koala, the penguin and the Murano glass cat. You're very brave putting such a precious item on your tree with Pooh Bear left to entertain himself in your apartment while you're at work...!
Soooooo beautiful! I fell head over heels in love with the bouncing snowman =)
Happy TT from Germany,
Awww, I love the Clssic pooh ones! The rest is cute too.
Thanks for visiting my TT about divination methods.
Your decorations are all so pretty!
Merry Christmas and happy Thursday!
I love all your decorations, especially #5.
Have a wonderful Thursday!
Lovely ornaments! :) Your tree looks great. :) My favourites are the Pooh ornaments. :)
Happy T13. :)
What a great idea for a TT! I love the photographs too as you did an excellent job in zooming in to capture the ornaments' details. I like the Noel ornament and all of your very different snowmen. You seem to be quite the collector!
They're all splendid! thanks for sharing:)
Christmas eye candy! Everytime I come over I wonder if you're in Hawaii yet! I know there's a countdown banner but I always forget what it's on.
Mine have no viruses.
Wow, I love Snowmen, teddy bears and snowflakes. I have snowflakes on my tree too!
Your ornaments are so cute!!
I love your ornaments! My agent's mother bought an ornament for her each year until she was 18, so she would have ornaments to decorate her own tree when she had her own place.
They all sit, packed away in a box, because she is a grinch. (And because she believes we can't be trusted with a tree.)
Your tree and decorations are beautiful! I collect snowmen, too :-)
I LOVE that Flake one! I need that because I always am a flake!
Your decorations are gorgeous! Great idea for a list!
I love the clock over your fireplace..is that pictures around it? I looooove the tree. And I really like your 4th ornament.
I love snowmen, too...I usually put mine out in January. Last year, my son got me a toilet seat cover that has a snowman on it with fiber optics...you have to turn it off and on, but it really classes up the place:-)
These are all so cute. Nice to see other peoples decorations.
My dream is too make all the ornaments on my tree one year. Many years in the future!
happy Thursday!
Thats a splendid tree!! Ill have to bring Mrs Duck back, she has a snowman fetish too
I love snowmen....Mr. Wonderful says I have a thing for "fat white men" and he's really glad being that he is one!
Great ornments from sydney and the White House. I like to get ornaments from places we've visited too.
Stop by for some Christmas Wishes.
Your Xmas decorations are beautiful and some of them very exotic! love them all, and the tree is gorgeous!!!! Well done, Carmen!!! let it snow!
i had a venetian glass horse that i got in venice too - but he did break on the way home. i was heartbroken. glad yours made it in one piece!!
What a beautiful tree with lots of stories to tell.
Thanks for sharing it.
Waving at you from New York,
lovely ornaments Miss Carmen. Our mommy likes snowmens too. But we is not allowed to touch them at all.
Super cute idea. My favorite one is the one called "Flake."
Snow in his belly??? Oh, how adorable!
I love the one with the pink and red hat. Very sweet.
Thanks for coming by my TT today...and as for my book (thanks for asking), it'll be out the first week in January, so you should be able to find it in any bookstore after January 2nd.
Some people say it's harder to get an agent than it is to get published! Either way, you're right, it's hard.
From what I'm hearing, there aren't very many new chicklit books being bought right now, even from published authors. :-( The market got saturated and it's a really tough sell.
Are you a member of RWA? They have a whole chapter devoted to chicklit writers, and they might have more thoughts about the market--I don't write (or read) chicklit, so I'm not as familiar with what's going on, other than that it's pretty impossible so sell it right now.
If you aren't a member, you should join RWA (rwanational.org) and then get into the chicklit chapter. You'll learn A LOT and you'll have a chance to meet agents at conferences.
Best of luck!
How beautiful. Much better then my "Wal*Mart" tree. With kids and a cat that like to mess with the tree, I'm not taking any chances with having nice things--yet.
You're the second person I've seen this year with a penguin ornament. Your tree is beautiful! :)
Your tree looks beautiful and l love all the ornaments! I just can't say which one is my favorite, from all the pictures... though I do really like the little bouncy snowman (#5). But then they are all just adorable!
Have a great Thursday!!
#5 looks like Rolie Polie Olie. :)
Beautiful ornaments! I just bought one for myself and each of my 3 children in Amsterdam. It's fun to collect them from our travels.
You DO love snowmen, don't you? Like me with Santas. LOL...
Carmen, they're all so wonderful. I love the precious "Pooh Kitty" with the Venitian Glass! Wow!! But, none can be a favorite for me ---they're ALL wonderful.
Happy Holidays. Just a little over a month and Hawai'i-bound you'll be. Oh how I wish I could go with ---beautiful country. If it weren't so expensive to live there, I'm relocate THERE!!!
#5 is my favorite. He looks so cute, and bouncy, and friendly... It just makes me want to smile. :)
My favorite is the tree topper! She's so pretty and happy looking! Good luck in the tree decorating contest!
Gorgeous, I still have to get our trees up, yes it really is ME I didn't totally disappear in fact I finally updated but no TT this week. I have probably been taken off the list by now lol.
The LAST months audition winner is posted now btw
This is a very clever list with great photos. Wonderful decor.
Love everything you have.
Happy Holidays!
It's a beautiful scene, Carmen, and a nice tree theme, too.
Merry Christmas to you.
Carmen those rock! esp "flake" :) maybe your great TT will help me get in the holiday spirit (of course the end of the semester will help even more... 6 days!) happy TT!
no TT for me this week, but your's is super cute. That house is begging for a holiday happy hour!
I love the ornaments! I have to get going on my tree. Merry Christmas!
lovely tree ornaments! my fav are the pooh bear themed ones, very cute!
I love it, what a great idea for a TT!
wow! i love that tree-topper! you really got some unique ones here. at least they're unique for me here in Sweden :-) Never seen anyones like this ones!
Fantastic! I love the Crate & Barrel ones, flake, Koala (mostly cos it's from Sydney!), Pooh angel, Venetian cat, whole tree - so cool!
My tree is extremely modest since it's my first Christmas decorating it myself.
I love every single one of your decorations and your tree is just fantastic! Please do stop by to remind me to vote for you, ok? Sometimes, I can be quite forgetful! lol
Oh, and if you'd like, please do stop by sometime tomorrow to check out the post I plan on adding. *s*
i love your snowmen. our whole tree is done in nothing but snowmen, they would go great with my collection...hee hee.
Awesome, awesome, awesome!
I have joined the parade too.
Wow Carmen, I love your ornaments.... I need some new ones myself. I think I might start doing themes next year (my Mom does them).
Pretty room the tree is in too.
My TT is up.
Wonderful ornaments and a very pretty tree!
I like the snowman in the snowflake ornament...it's pretty and graceful and cute all in one.
My 13 is up...I'm a bit behind reading the meme this week!
Err, or I'm just a little slow period. I didn't realize this was last week's 13. D'oh! I'm here via LeAnne's Christmas Tree page too. Hehe.
But I do like the snowman/snowflake ornament.
Lovely tree and decorations.
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