Thank you to all my readers who voted for me in the Christmas tree contest. Thank you again!
Kailani also gave me another award, a ROFL award, for this post. I am again, so honored. I really enjoy making other people laugh, so that made me feel good.

Dang girl, you raked it in! Well deserved! Also well deserved for the ROFL award - I loved the meatball sub story!!
Congrats! I wonder what the extra credit for begging is gonna be? ;)
I did like your tree the mostest.
Great job, Carmen! You are a very decorated blogger!
And when you say you want to thank "YOU," you mean specifically ME, right? I mean, it's understood by the other readers that you mean me.
Concatulations, Carmen... we don't have anything on our tree yet cause Mia keeps climbing it.
Congrats! I didn't know I stumbled upon such a big shot.
Congrats to you!
YAY CARMEN WON THE CONTEST!!! Awesome tree too :-)
You didnt just win, you kicked a$$
Well, I did THOUGHT I offered up congrats down the board aways... but you just beg and beg and beg and soooo... ***deep, DEEEEEEP sigh***....
CONGRATULATIONS CARMEN!!! YOU DID IT GIRL!!! It was ALL you babe!!! Way to dec-0-rate a tree!
Congratulations! You deserve it!
Yay congratulations!! You are a funny one!!
Congrats! you are one of a kind! :)
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