Through Payperpost, I cam across this wonderful (my opinion not biased by the money - that's why I chose to write about it) website to help all of us fitness women. The blogger's name is Marcella, and she's a personal trainer based in California. (If you're in CA, look her up!)
For example, I think with all the holiday treats that tempt us, she has a great post on sticking to a diet by cutting calories off your holiday favorites.
And I saw something on tv about this last week, about all the germs at the gym, and she posts a great article about keeping healthy while you do your fitness routine.
She's got some good advice over there. Check it out if you're so inclined.
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My gym has bottles of antiseptic spray that we use to spray down the stuff after we use it.
I find myself spraying my hands, too!
Holidays (not just Christmas) are tough on diets. Picnics, cakes and junk. Remember - moderation. You'll be fine.
Heading over to see her! Thanks! (even if you ARE getting paid to say it!) :p
Well, I was hoping to lose 10lb or so this year, in view of my birthday trip to Seville in January, but now that there are three weeks left, I have another 8lb to go. Eeek. Maybe it's time for me to realize that this weight thing is not that big a deal... I mean, if it was, I'd put more effort into it, no?
But I am full of admiration for you for sticking it out... Well done, girl. And I echo Anthony: You'll be fine over the holidays, don't sweat it!
I haven't been to a gym in years, but for me the easiest way to stay healthy was lots of hand washing. I was really more worried about catching something from sitting on the I would put down some towels.
I've done pretty good with the holiday weight...I think I'm only up about 2 pounds. I do need to cut out the afternoon Pepsi and probably the desserts (but someone's gotta eat them!)
I'll go check out the site though. More tips are always good. Did I tell you what I did for this year's cheese cake? Every year I make a cheese cake and every year I get stuck eating 1/2 of the thing. So this year I bought a smaller cheese cake pan. I'm hoping that more than 1/2 will get eaten on the first night so that I don't have 1/2 to eat on my own. If that doesn't work, I'm sending slices home with my guests!!!
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