Friday, August 18, 2006

A Date, Jewelry and Parties

Soooooo, I bit the bullet and went to ask the hottie Hungarian lifeguard out yesterday. He looked quite surprised when I asked him. I don't know if it was good surprised or bad surprised, but (from what I can understand) we're having drinks Monday night. I had all these witty ways of doing it, but I was so nervous, that I just said I came by to ask if he wanted to go out on a date with me. Silence (crickets chirping) followed. Then he said "When?" to which I answered "Whenever you're able to go." He then asked if we were having "real" drinks "not soft drinks". Um, no, I'm gonna need hard liquor after this. I must say, women have to go through a lot - PMS, childbirth, etc. Men should have to do the asking-out. I can't deal with that on top of all the other crap. It's just that he didn't seem overly excited, and now I'm not even sure I want to go anymore. There is a language barrier though, or am I just trying to make myself feel better?

Also, I'd like to introduce you all to my friend Peggy. She is an AWESOME jewelry designer, and she'll be designing me something for my wedding, should that day ever come. She had some of her jewelry worn on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which in my world, is like the highest praise ever! It's just cool stuff. I have 4 or 5 pieces myself, one is a Peggy Li original. Maybe you'd like to stop on over and check it out? I've got a new ad for her just to your left. Maybe you'd like to browse and treat yourself.

PAR-TAY It's gettin' hot in hurrr. There are parties all over the place. Renee is celebrating yet another Goofy Girl design, and Amy is havin a shin-dig over at her place.


Melli said...

Oh boy! You left yourself WAY too much time to "over think" this date! LOL! By Monday night he'll be an axe murderer for sure! So... where ya goin?

Heading off to check your friends jewelry now...

Anthony said...

Melli's right ... you're thinking too much. Don't worry so much about the alleged silence, it probably means nothing.

Now you know a little about what us men go through. I know it isn't childbirth or PMS, but it sure feels like it sometimes.

Relax, have a "real drink" and enjoy yourself.

Zeus said...

Oh Carmen! Forget the language barrier and try to treat the situation as a learning experience. Perhaps in Hungarian culture it's unheard of for women to ask men out which is why he was silent for so very long. Perhaps there is no code of behavior for such an event so he had no idea what to do when you came over to him.

Of course, there's also the possibility that he was so taken aback by your beauty that he was speechless, but alas, I digress...

Consider this as well: He's a lifeguard! Do you think they get a lot of conversations throughout the day that don't involve: "Hey you! Get out of the water! I said get out of the water NOW!" or "Ma'am? You and your children cannot play in the tide pool during high tide." It's just some thoughts!

Penrick said...

Why didn't you make the date for Saturday. No time for nervousness and it's a much better night to get your drunk on. Have a great time - I can't wait to hear.

I will have Renee show Matt Man some jewelry he can buy me.

Kukka-Maria said...

I think he contained his excitement because he didn't want to overwhelm you and cause you to think he was some crazy stalker. Brava on your guts, Carmen! You are like the pretty girl in high-school, who always stayed home on a Friday night because all the boys assumed you already had a date! Now you're putting yourself out there and getting yours!

You may want to consider linking to Peggy in your post, as some people (me) may not be smart enough (me) to immediately find her button in your sidebar (did I mention me?). It took me eleventy-two seconds to find it--which frustrated me because I was so darn excited to check out her duds!

Just so I don't get the record for longest comment (although, the recognition would be wonderful), I should stop writing now.

No, now!


Who are we kidding here...I will never stop talking!

Congrats on the date. Remember, you are a lady and don't put out on the first date.

Who are we kidding totally will! ;)

Kukka-Maria said...

Even more hilarious that I didn't find the button...since you even MENTION it specifically in your post!

I'll shut up now. My excuse? I'm just a cat, Carmen. Don't mind me...

Cooth said...

Have fun on the date! Don't let his non-reaction bug you. He was probably just surprised that such a fantabulous chick just asked him out!

Your friend makes some awesome jewelry!!

Unknown said...

Mornin' Carmen!!

Now let me get this straight? He's Hungarian? He's a lifeguard? may just be his way of not 'acting' overly excited. Get real girl!!!! He IS a man. Whadya expect? Men don't just jump up and down with joy because a girl asked him out. It's just not in their psyche!! But wait...if he's Hungarian and a he's tall, muscular, and TAN!! Wow....a Chippendale in disguise!!!

Take heart. He may have many questions running through his mind right now too. So, hang in there, and just GO for the fun of it...don't expect much, and you may just come to enjoy his company.

Good luck
And tell me all about it.

Lazy Daisy said...

It was definitely the language barrier...have you ever seen an excited Hungarian? See? You Go Girl...don't talk yourself out of it.

Katherine said...

Hey, good for you for making the move. I think the language barrier maybe made his reaction seem not as positive as you wanted. I'm sure he was surprised and also maybe trying to figure out if you were serious or just flirting/joking around with him. Or, maybe saying "date" instead of "have drinks" scared him. who knows - not your problem! I say go and have some drinks and chit chat. He sounds interesting and it will be a fun and entertaining evening.

Anonymous said...

omg. I could throw up just thinking about asking someone out. let alone going.
AWESOME jewelry stuff, btw. Jack was very thrilled to be included in your list yesterday! he said 'I always knew someone would blog about me...". cuz I never do, I guess.

Minerva Jane said...

yay! you're so brave. i could never have asked anyone out...

Anonymous said...

It will be fine...if anything, you'll have a good story and lots of fun trying decipher what he is saying. If you want, I can do my impression of his accent again... "are weeeee hapheen soft dreeeenks?" "you luke very feet" "I don't want to kook out heeeeeer in dee sun"

Heather said...


That's awesome! I think it's cute he asked if you if you were having real drinks.

I wonder if it's a cultural difference or something like that - not that he wasn't excited. You seem like such a fun gal that I can't imagine why he wouldn't be excited!

Pink Chihuahua Princess said...

Good for you, taking the bull by the horns like that! I'm sure its the language barrier, and if not--well at least its a night not spent at home. :)

Pam said...

asking out guys SUCKS!! I've done it a few times in my life and hated every second of it. But I agree with Pink - it's better than sitting at home!
Bravo to you for doing it! And have a drink before you go ;-).

Bone said...


And don't worry about the language barrier. Just speak the language of love ;-)

Amy said...

There's a party...bring friends!!!!

Buttercup said...

That was super ballsy (I need a female equivelant of that word) of you to ask him out. You kick ass. I can't wait to hear how it goes. Him asking you if you're going out for real drinks makes me think this boy wants to do some shots. Eat something before you meat him to fortify yourself!!

Janet said...

Dude, I'll just echo what everyone else said...he was so shocked that a woman of your beauty asked him out he was stunned into speechlessness!

Have fun on your date, can't wait to hear about it!

Your friend's jewelry looks amazing, I'm going to come back and check it out more thoroughly this weekend.

Renee Nefe said...

I think that everyone was right, he's just so blown away that such a beautiful girl would ask him out and is kicking himself for not asking you out. Go have fun.

Thanks for the cool sign! I have to figure out where to hang it. I jumped over to Amy's party's just a week for good partying.

Tug said...

Have a've got guts to ask him, you should at least have a little fun. Who knows what men are thinking....I get that when I'm working (not that I'm a lifeguard) - just thinking of everything at once so I don't react like I want to.

Can't wait to hear about it!

Anonymous said...

I think you're over-analyzing the situation with the lifeguard. I know I do that all the time. I'm sure he was just surprised that you asked him out since not too many women would have the courage. I'm proud of you! Let us know how the date goes!


Oooooh! That's a koala. I find them really cute.
Mine's up too.

Irish Church Lady :) said...

So you had to turn on comment moderation or did you have that on before? I'm clueless.

Have fun on the date and relax. It's just a date with eye candy that is moving back to Hungary after all! hee

Gardenia said...

Go. You'll never know unless you go, and if you don't, you'll always wonder. Guys are normally pretty speechless anyway.