Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Thursday 13 v. 23

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Thirteen Things That Make Carmen laugh
  1. When my cat chases his tail: Cracks me up every time.
  2. My friend Irish: I don't know what it is, but when the two of us get together, it's constant laughter. By the way, she's joined the blogosphere with her blog Sharks With Frickin' Laser Beams.
  3. Space Balls: The Movie: It just makes me laugh every time I watch.
  4. Janet Evanovich: If you've never read her books, get on it! It's laugh-out-loud-and-make-people-look-at-you-funny funny!
  5. Dave Barry: I miss his weekly newspaper column, but thank goodness for his blog!
  6. This guy at the gym who struts: Like there is something wrong with his leg. Do girls really fall for this crap?
  7. Karen's Son: He wanted to make sure that the Mummy didn't get me while I was in Egypt and offered me weapons for protection to take with me. If only they'd let me on the plane with them. Can't even take lipstick for Pete's sake.
  8. Cheesecake Factory Cheesecake: The sugar makes me giggle. Especially when eaten with friend in #2.
  9. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: I still can't believe that this show didn't win an Emmy. It is so funny! Especially the "Hush" episode where it was done entirely without dialogue (monsters come to town and steal their voices).
  10. Being Tickled: And it makes me mad, too. I hate being tickled, but can't help laughing.
  11. Work: If I don't laugh at it, I'd go postal. But it usually takes me a while to find it funny.
  12. When My Cat Sees A Bird: He litteraly chirps at it.
  13. My Dad: He thinks his jokes are so funny that they make you laugh whether they're funny or not.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens! Other 13 participants only. But everyone feel free to leave a comment, too! Comments rock!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It's easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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*~*Michelle*~* said...

Space Balls is one of my *favorite* movies! I love Barf, lol!

Renee Nefe said...

Oh my gosh! Is it Thursday already? Well I suppose it might be... Somewhere. LOL!

I guess I better get my 13 together.

Happy Thursday & keep laughing!

Anthony said...

Yep ... Spaceballs, absolutely. ["I can't breathe in that thing!"], but Rick Moranis, too.

If you want to laugh out loud while reading, pick up "Letters From a Nut" by Ted L. Nancy. Some say it's Jerry Seinfeld, but whoever it is, it's hilarious.

You could read it by the pool. ;)

Renee Nefe said...

I'm parts

Anonymous said...

Laughter is one of the best things in the world!!!

K said...

Great idea for a list!! I have a friend that always makes me laugh too. We laugh constantly when we are together. Laughter really is the best medicine!

Have a great Thursday!!

Don said...

I can't believe therre aren't any comments!!! You always have a great list.

I've never seen Space Balls. Bill Murray's in it, right?

Janet Evanovich? iI don't care to read non-reference material except for Edgar Allen Poe and Agatha Christie.

Dave Barry? I can't say I've ever read any of his articles. Which paper?

I've not seen Buffy, either.

Louise said...

I love it when cats try to kill their reflections in the mirror.

Champagne makes me giggle lots. And I love Buffy, going to have to work out which is the episode that makes me laugh most.

And tickling - I'm with you, it makes me mad, but I can't help laughing

Anonymous said...

Space Balls has got to be one of the most hilarious movies ever made and I agree with you about the Buffy episode, Hush. It was so well done.

Anonymous said...

A very cheerful list! My TT is up.

Lazy Daisy said...

Girl you make me giggle. Great list as always. Thanks for the grin.

Anonymous said...

The cat chirping at the bird thing, I so get you! when my mums cat did that I cracked up! Great TT! Mines up!

Knitting Maniac said...

Oh my gosh! We had a cat who also chirped at birds and chipmunks! It was hilarious!

Happy TT!!

Mary Jo said...

Cool list - I love laughing too!
My list is up - oh! I've moved blogs. Think you'll recognize me by my pic on my site!

Anonymous said...

Apparently, I must watch Space Balls. Janet's books are hysterical. I love Ranger.

I wish Buffy, Angel and Firefly were still on.

We seem to like a lot of the same things. said...

LOL awesome list.. LMAO at gym guy!! Don't you just love the kitty chirping!? Makes me "awww" every time. LOL. I dig Spaceballs too. ;)

One Scrappy Gal said...

I'm going to the cheesecake factory for dinner this weekend while we are in Orlando for our Disney trip! I am so excited! Isn't that sad? To be that excited about eating cheesecake? Any suggestions on which flavor to try? :)

One Scrappy Gal said...


I've been fired as a peep!


Natsthename said...

Evanovich makes me laugh, too. I just bought #12, but I'm only up to #7 in the reading. I really should get cranking!

And YUM on Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes!!!

Anonymous said...

Carmen!!! jack will be SO excited to be on your list. He IS a funny guy. I'll put him on the plane, you can have him. school supplies included!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I've been around people who crack themselves up and you're right, you can't help but laugh, not at what they are saying but by the way they are acting. lol

Have a wonderful day!

One Scrappy Gal said...

Sniff.. no no... heart broken...damage done.. don't look at me.. I'm hideous!!

All I wanted was to be a Carmen groupie! *sob*

I'm just kidding... it's OK... really. :)

OK... I'm going to order cookie dough and will force my brother to order boston I can try them both!! Have a great weekend. :)

Southern Girl said...

I totally agree with #4! I woke my family up laughing so loud the first time I read One for the Money. ;)

Great list! Thanks for visiting my TT!

Gina said...

Is that cat hypnotics or is it an invitation to box? Either way he got caught by the big guy! Ps...Why didn't you leave Dave Berry's link?

Lynn said...

Great idea for a list! I miss Dave Barry's column too but didn't know he had a blog...I'll have to check it out! Our beagle often seems to think he's a cat, and that is always funny to watch;-) Thanks for sharing and stopping by.

Anonymous said...

oops! I am not a Thursday 13 participant any more. I shouldn't have added my name to the Mr. Linky.

Dave Barry has a blog?!! Oh, I gotta check it out. Google, here I come!! I love the guy. He is SO funny.

And I was just over at Chilady's blog and read your comment about green tea. I have a decaf green tea. It's Celestial Seasonings. And it's very good. At least I think so.

Happy Thursday. (And thanks for the visit)

Shannon said...

Another fun one, Carmen!

And I love Buffy too. I was so sad to see it go!

Norma said...

My cat chirps too!

Thanks for visiting.

Anonymous said...

Hi Carmen, Your list of things that make you laugh makes me laugh! I'm going to check out Dave Barry and Irish. Mine are in a pontoon boat.

Anonymous said...

Space Balls is hilarious!!

I had to ban my youngest son from
watching it, he started learning the
bad words.LOL

Great list! Happy TT!

Margaret said...

Cheesecake Factory! Oh yum! The only one I ever saw was in Tuckahoe NJ near where I used to live for 30 years. I haven't had another cheesecake like theirs. When I do go to visit family there - I am really going for the Cheesecake. LOL! Great list. -Margie

Heather Smith said...

The thing that makes me laugh everytime is the episode of Friends where Chandler is in the box! Just too funny!

Kimberly said...

Ugh...I HATE being tickled. It makes me angry.

Happy Thursday :)

Lisa said...

Always a good one from the Carmen-girl! :) My cat chirps at birds too. And my favorite stupid movie that makes me laugh? "Ali G in da house" - no matter how depressed I am, this one pulls me out of it! No clue why. It just does.

Your list cheered me up (and I needed that). Thanks for stopping by Snarkypants. Have a good day!

Bone said...

My Dad is the same. And sometimes I'm afeared I have the bad joke gene :)

I laugh at Will Ferrell's Harry Caray impersonation. Everytime.

Deanna said...

LMAO...about the weapons!!!!!!!! great T13!

fivetimemom said...

I totally relate to number 10, my daughter loves to tell jokes and the cornier the better.....We sometimes laugh just because the joke is so not funny.

Lyn said...

My cat will fetch. That makes us laugh. Great list. My T13 - Ice Breakers Edition - is up at Bloggin' Outloud. Thanks! lgp

Melli said...

Chirpy? Pooh chirps? Hmmmm... Kitty murmers... especially when he's angry... it's a really LOUD obnoxious murmer... and he does it a LOT anymore! Such a grouch!

Glad to here you've downgraded work to a laughable situation! As it should be... carry on!

I'm not sure the Cheesecake Factory makes me giggle... more like it makes me orgas... never mind! ;) I don't DO cheesecake anymore! LOL!

How's the Hungarian? Does HE make you giggle???

Tink said...

Great list and I looooove your T13-header!
Thanks for stopping by my TT.

Anonymous said...

Your # 6 made me laugh Carmen...matter of fact I'm still laughing at that one.
My TT won't make anyone laugh today, but I hope it makes them think.

Froggie said...

Hehe.... love the list! Someday I hope to get a cat (as soon as I move to a place that lets me have pets). My old cat used to go nuts over a little reflected light. Was a blast watching him chase it in circles. Thanks for sharing and for the visit.

Anonymous said...

Your number 6 "This guy at the gym who struts: Like there is something wrong with his leg. Do girls really fall for this crap?" made me laugh!

(I'm laughing at myself now, because I think I already said this. Did I? Sorry if this posts twice)

Kukka-Maria said...

I chirp at the birds. Brach chirps at the birds. Everyone but my agent chirps at the birds (she just bitches about all the seed shells they flick on the sidewalk).

Great TT, Carmen...of course!

MaR said...

Laughing is the best medicine!!! I laughed reading your list too, specially imagining your cat, lol!
Happy TT!

the lizness said...

13 - my dad is like that too, his jokes are so corny, but he cracks himself up, so we all laugh too.

Darla said...

Oh, yeah. Evanovich is definitely laugh-out-loud funny. Pratchett, too--have you tried him?

Unknown said...

Cheesecake Factory sounds so good right now! One of the girls I used to work with got a second job working there, and we'd end up sharing a piece!
What Karen's son said was so cute! Kids are great and have such amazing imaginations!

Trinity13 said...

Buffy rocked...I was so sad to see it go off air.

Heather said...

Laughing is great! :)

I love spaceballs too!

Anonymous said...

great list!! And laughing is good for ya!! Glad you find humor in things. Happy TT

Sophisticated Writer said...

Great list. May be I should have that theme for my TT next week :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Cheescake Factory Cheesecake. But it doesn't usually make me laugh because I'm to busy stuffy my face. There is a tad bit of laughter when my button pops off my pants though. ;)

Sarah said...

My cat makes bird noises too! And I'm re-reading Evanovich this week and those books are SO FUNNY. I realized there are 2 new ones I need to get.

Frances D said...

Space Balls was so funny - especially the oversized helmet.
I also love History of the World Part I.
Thanks for sharing,

Leanne said...

What is it about being tickled? I know a lot of people who get really ticked off, but can't stop laughing. I wonder why it works like that? LOL

Happy Thursday!!

Dane Bramage said...

Carmen Has Gone to Plaid. Hmmm. I never would have guessed Spaceballs was a favorite. Oh yeah and BUFFY RULES! I do miss that show. And the final season. Wow. What's not to like about a busload of slayer babes? (My male perspective of course.)

Great list! My T13 is up.

Kimmy said...

Funny list... laughing is my favorite thing in the entire world. I can't imagine going through one day without it. We'd get along just fine... especially if you'd take me to the Cheesecake Factory. Yummy! LOVE that place!
Happy T13! My list is up...

Tug said...

I'm like that with work, too.....arrrggghhh. My tt's up!

Happy Mama to Three said...

Everybody needs a good belly laugh. Glad you have found yours!!


Katherine said...

Ha, my kitties chirp at birds too, cracks me up. I read somewhere that sound is them practicing their "kill" bite. Nice! Love, love, love Janet E. and Stephanie Plum!

Kendra said...

I love it! It made me laugh just thinking about some of those things. Happy Thursday!

Kimba said...

"Hush" was the best episode ever...and I haven't seen Spaceballs in years, maybe its time to watch again?

Anonymous said...

I just received my first Janet Evanovich book in the mail from The PaperBack Swap club. I can hardly wait to start reading it!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the Stephanie Plum series! There are few books that acutally make me laugh out loud, but those do every time!

Buttercup said...

That's so cute about mummy protection!! Happy TT.

Anonymous said...

Nice TT. Cats are a great form of entertainment, especially the ones that chirp.

Faerylandmom said...

LOL! Good stuff. Mine's up too, if you care to drop by.

Crayonsetc said...

Laughing, what a great thing... and it keeps you healthy too!!!

Happy TT!!

Laura said...

you gotta laugh or you would be crying. it's nice to see you finding humor and joy in life. it's good.
thanks for visiting my tt this week.

Anonymous said...

You gotta like Spaceballs to name your blog after it eh? Buffy has some great ones...

-That's it, I'm tired of being everybody's butt-monkey!
-Check, no more butt-monkey.


A cat chasing his tail makes me laugh too. It amuses me when they start playing. Tickling makes me laugh too.
Thanks for stopping by.

angela said...

I used to have a cat that chirped too... a maine coon. He was great and that is such a funny sound.

Zeus said...

Spaceballs is one of the great unacknowledged classics! After reading your TT for this week, I decided I have been neglecting purchasing it on DvD, and I must do so right away!

I also miss Dave Barry, but now that I know about the blog, I might just go and check it out. Thanks also for the link to your friend's blog for us all to see!

Wendy Ann Edwina D'Cunha e Pereira said...

Laughter is the best medicine... It's a cure for almost all that ails man/woman... Glad to see you can find so much that makes you laugh. #7 is also very sweet...

Anonymous said...

it's so great that you find things to laugh about work. that is rare! cherish it. :)

thanks for dropping by!

Anonymous said...

I love the movie Space Balls! lol
and #11 let me know how you do it?
Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Well, let's just say that they only have to treaten me to tickle me and I'm folding with stomach cramps of all the laughing.... It's soooo silly - but fun :-)

Zeus said...

I can't believe I am going to tell you this, Miss Carmen, but the human pet ordered the special edition of Spaceballs on DVD. Look what you have made her do!!!!

Irish Church Lady :) said...

86 comments to your TT! woo

Your blog party really paid off! You rock. Thanks for stopping by mine and acknowledging God's wonderful sense of humour!

I checked out Irish's blog. She's not posting too much (yet). I hope all goes well with her MRI and you guys have a rockin' time in Vegas. Can't wait to hear the stories!!!