Monday, February 19, 2007

Manic Monday

I am on the edge of sanity (it wasn't a long leap before). Everyone's getting on my nerves. It seems that I don't do well with extreme stress. At work? Sure. In my own life, I FREAK OUT!

I started packing this weekend. I've decided I have too much stuff.

At least I have a mover set up. My boss's husband runs a moving company. I know where he lives, so he won't run off with my stuff. :)

The home inspection on my house in Richmond is today (fingers crossed) and the appraisal for my current house is today, and then we have to set up my appraisal for the new house, and WHEW! I'm tired.

There is some good news among all this. I did my "official" weigh-in at the gym yesterday (on the scale they use to track progress.) I'm officially down 15 POUNDS! Woo hoo. I'm trying to keep my stress eating down, so we'll see. :)

Happy Monday!


Melli said...

Whoooooo HOOOO! 15 pounds! My gosh! I didn't think you even HAD an extra 15 to get rid of! You are melting away... soon you'll be all gone... awwww... Where's Carmen? I dunno... she was there, and now she's not... Oh look... a puddle... it's a Carmen puddle... maybe a north wind will blow and bring her back like Frosty... :)

Great news about the houses ... just take a DEEEEEEP breath... now blow... this is where childbirth training really comes in handy!!! You want I should be your coach? I'm sure it works for house settlements too!

Ladybug Crossing said...

Congrats on the house thing. Both houses, I mean. Oh, and your 15 lbs. I think I know where they went - my hips, thighs, and tummy...

Can't wait to see pix of the new place!

Don't worry about packing and moving... it all gets done in the end..

Heather said...

I hear you on the stress. Might as well just bite people's heads off at least they'll stop talking ;)

Congrats on the weight loss that's awesome!!

MaR said...

congrats!!!!! the houses, the weight-loss, wow!!!

MaR said...

A quince tastes a bit like a granny smith apple...firm, a bit sour, somehow citric...

Kukka-Maria said...

I think you're looking too thin. I'll be happy to sit on your shoulder all day long to put another 12.5 back on you!


Red said...

Woah, it's all happening isn't it? Well done on the weight loss. Tell me how...

Uisce said...

Too much stuff, that's one reason #153 why I'll never move! :)

Renee Nefe said...

I like Goofy Girl's idea of biting people's heads off so they can't talk anymore...but I'm thinking that eating people's heads is fewer calories than a box of Girl Scout cookies. hee hee

But the cookies feel better going down. hummm...

The house will be over soon and you'll live happily ever after. I've found that if I take an extra box to toss the throw away stuff while packing it helps a lot.

Teena in Toronto said...

Congrats on the weight loss! You go, Girl!

I hate this part of moving ... the packing part. When I moved into my condo in June 2001, I said I'd never move again.

Anthony said...

How cool to know someone in the moving business. I'd have no idea whom to call.

15 pounds is great! I suppose that was at least part of the "too much stuff" that you had? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how much "stuff" we can accumulate?

Anonymous said...

wohoo about the 15 pounds! You go girl!!

As for real estate here in Aus, from what Ive read of you, I think its a tad different however not at all less stressful. Its just as manic here as anywhere. Im very worried about packing, it will be a task I know!!

Hope it all goes well!

Bone said...

Wow, congrats on losing the 15 pounds!! As the old joke goes, I think I found it :-/