- We had to change our flights last minute, because we were laying over in Dallas, and there was going to be a major storm. So we arrived later than expected. We had the best weather when we were there, though. Sunny almost all the time. This is one of my favorite sunset photos from the trip. I call it my "surfer sunset". We were always in bed by 9 and up at 5 a.m. - all the East Coasters were :)
The best part of Oahu, in my opinion, is the North Shore. We went to Sunset Beach, and then to the Bonzai Pipeline, and WOW were those waves big. They were 15 footers when we were there, and when the competitions take place, they're upwards of 30 FEET! I thought the ones we saw were monsterous!
Maui was GORGEOUS. We stayed at the Sheraton, and I told them it was my birthday and we got a room upgrade. It was the best view, and just so relaxing. They gave us a lei when we arrived. It seems a big deal, but you get "lei'ed" in Hawaii all over the place! I think the Sheraton Maui was one of the nicest hotels I've stayed in.
We took an airplane tour over the Big Island to see the volcanos. Aside from getting airsick, the views of the lava spilling into the water were amazing! Even with the G-forces and the hairpin turns.
We had our own rainbow just outside the plane. I call it a plane bow. People in Hawaii must not get as excited about rainbows as we did. They probably see them all the time.
I celebrated my birthday in Maui. We took a whole day and did nothing but lay at the pool and the beach and drink lava flows (pina colada with strawberry sauce). It was super relaxing with no place to be. I finally got good sleep.
We had my birthday dinner in Lahaina and a Hula Pie for my birthday cake! We ate at a place called Kimos. I had steak - my traditional birthday meal.
I learned to play the ukelele on my birthday. It's a lot like guitar, except fewer strings and different chord fingerings.
- We took a whale watching/snorkeling tour. There was a baby whale who kept jumping out of the water to play. You couldn't tell where he'd jump though, and I left my nice camera on dry land, so no pics of him. :( But here's one of his mom waving at us with a fin. We also saw a baby dolphin. We saw everything we could want to on that sail!
- One of the things I most wanted to see in Maui was a turtle, and here he is, sticking his head out of the water. I didn't see one while snorkeling, though.
We went to the Old Lahaina Luau - that was a lot of fun. My mom is funny when she has too much to drink. :)
- I even played in the ocean some. I snorkeled at Black Rock too. And saw that Hawaiian fish with 30-some odd letters in his name. I also quite enjoyed the "hang loose" sign. I actually had a surfer give me the "hang loose" and it was so cool! Did I seriously just post a pic of me in a bathing suit on the Internet? Good thing I go to the gym! Clearly, jet lag is involved here.
- We drove the road to Hana. Scary stuff! Lots of hairpin turns and one-lane bridges. After about three stops, we were done. Plus, as you go up into the rainforrest, the weather gets more cloudy.
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Aiya! I remember the north shore. Loved it. I totally want to own a surf shop on the North Shore. *sigh*
Hmm you're making me want to do Thursday 13 again now. :P
Great shots!
Those pictures are amazing and it looks like you had such a good time in Hawaii! I feel more relaxed after having looked at some of that scenery, almost as if I have been on a mini-vacation myself. Maybe one day I'll get there for real.
Super-cool pics, Carmen! The water in picture 12 is calling to me... so clear, so inviting. Mmm...
Looks like a great holiday, and I'm looking forward to your posting some ukelele tunes on your blog!
Loved the photos of your trip, and you look so beautiful!! Happy belated birthday!! I'm glad it was happy. :)
It's so incredibly gorgeous! The photo of the lava running into the ocean is amazing. (That cake you're eating looks pretty amazing too!)
I feel like I went with you.
Welcome back, Carmen! Glad to see you had such a great time. Happy belated birthday, btw!
I'm kicking myself now for agreeing with my husband to turn down the opportunity to be stationed in Hawaii.
I am so envious of your trip my face is green. It looks like y'all had a blast.
I started thinking of Hawaii as I headed over, hoping and knowing they'd likely be photos! I've never been but will some day especially now because I want to see one of those turtles too!
Mine are a mix of chicks and....
Wow! Great pictures and a great trip!
What a great trip. Thanks for sharing. My list is up as well. Happy TT.
Very jealous. I've never been to Hawaii.
Tahiti, yes, but Hawaii, no. What a great way to spend your birthday!
My TT's up...things you should know about the vampires in my books, The Gardella Vampire Chronicles...
look for it here:
AWESOME! I am just going to pretend I travel with you!
And, Lady, you look great in a bathing suit.
Sorry I clicked the Thursday participant Mr. Linky....shouldn't have.
I like the one with you in the ocean. I have to laugh that you say your mom is funny when she's drinking....aren't we all? No, guess not...some are obnoxious huh. Okay forget I said that. *scratch that*
Terrific Thrusday 13 Carmen.
The hand sign, you're using in most photos? Did you know that is "I love you"?
Happy Thursday dear friend. Again, glad you had such a wonderful time in Hawai'i. And that you got 'lei-ed all over the islands!'
My Agent and her fam are going to Hawaii in Jun, 2008 for two weeks(because of the waiting list for their time-share condo). She won't be posting bikini photos, though!
I didn't see your Kukka Couture shirt. Didn't you wear it every day (especially on your birthday)?
Also...that huge, rich piece of cake doesn't look like a steak to me!
What do you mean you didn't share that cake with me?! The human male and the Woman are considering the big island for their honeymoon. Trust me, you won't WANT to see bikini photos of her...
Welcome back!!
What beautiful pictures!! It sounds like you had a nice relaxing time, and alot of fun! The bright blue water over there is beautiful!
Gotcha, thanks for the clarification on the hand signal. DUH
(this may be a repeat 'cause I got a server down error just prior to this comment)
What a fun time, I wish I could have come along!!
oh those waves are fantastic!!!
great trip, of course. Only reason I made it past 9 in Hawaii was because I practiced at home at stayed up until like 4 in the morning the week before we left. Plus we were there almost 2 weeks so you have to adjust somewhat. great pics as always
Shaka! Now I've gotta make DH take us back!!! I wanted to do the Luau after I smelled how good it was. We did get Kalua Pig though...very yummy, but no luau. And we only got "lei'ed" by our friends who lived at Hickam.
oh yeah, Happy Birthday!
Wonderful pics, Carmen. Wow, that water is gorgeous.
It's so much fun to see Hawaii through someone else's eyes. I'm so glad you had a great time. As for the fish's name . . . humuhumunukunukuapuaa. LOL!
AW, woman, don't show those gorgeous pictures (yes, even the hula-hula girl ;-) when we're having this cold and snowy weather over here!!!! I soooo wanna go there... at least one day... *dreaming*
Great photos.. Looks like a lot of fun!
That looks like the best birthday!
Hawaii is so beautiful. That rainbow photo from the air is very cool.
Hey Carmen, Happy belated brithday also! Your talent as a photographer, and the settings Hawii has to offer blend quite well...fantastic colors! And as far as your pic in the bikini, well that was very nice also (you didn't think that Wonderwoman and Batgirl were going to stay out of the vacation pics, did you?) Where to next?
Look at that Plane Bow!
Fantastic pics.
WOW!!! Thanks for sharing your gorgeous pics! You're sooo pretty! And, I lovvve Hawaii. Honeymooned there. :)
Verrrrrrrry cool! The pics ARE a lot more fun with the explanations with them! :)
Wow! Who can compete with TT? I am glad that you had a fantastic birthday!
Firstly, let me greet you a belated Happy Birthday. Those pictures are fantastic. I so love the photo of the whale. Not everyone gets a chance to see a real live whale. By the looks on your face, You really had a grand time. Again, belated happy birthday and thanks for the visit.
I don't know which looks more lovely. The rainbow or the birthday pie.
What a great bday Carmen! I'm jealouser and jealouser - many great memories of my trip --- eons ago!!!! I'm glad you had a great time (as if it's possible not to!)
You look great!
Need some Valentines Chocolate?
Valentines Goody Swap!~~
Tell her I sent you.
What a blast!
Great pictures and it looks like soooooooo much fun!
Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful TT.
Mine is up
Have a wonderful Thursday!
Sounds like a wonderful trip with lots of great memories. Bet this wintery blast makes you wish for the balmy breezes again!
Good job on the bikini, Sister!
I am positively pea green with envy. Glad you had a fantastic time.
Lovely highlights of the trip.
Now on to the real poop ~ except for the hang loose sign with the surfer dude ~ did you meet any guys?
Loved the pics. It looks like you had a wonderful time.
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