- Go to Greece
- See Stonehenge
- Be nicer to people
- Not let traffic bother me so much
- Stop worrying so much.
- Get out more - be more social.
- Save more money!
- Stop blogging on the weekends. I'm such a big nerd.
- See a UVA basketball game in their new stadium with my dad
- Find Mr. Right! (Or Mr. Right Now)
- Move out of the DC area.
- Finish my second book, maybe start on number 3?
- Find a new church, maybe one where I can sing.
Links to other Thursday Thirteens! Other 13 participants only. But everyone feel free to leave a comment, too! Comments rock!
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Sounds like you've made your decision... #7 & #11
I like my resolution. hee hee
DD's resolution was "Blame Canada", she didn't get it.
Good resolutions. I particularly like #10 and #6!
Are you really thinking of moving?? Where would you like to call home? You can always move a little north, like say, up this way... ;-) That way we can all work on #6!
Very ambitious but I hope it all works out for you!!
Sounds like some great resolutions, I wish you luck! Glad you're back, btw :-)
Carmen happy new year! Hear hear on #3 - that is high on my list, too. And I'm sending you lots of pro-seeing-Stonehenge vibes - it rocks!! (tee hee -- npi-- honest!)
I've done #2 ... it's really cool!
Mine's up :)
ah yes, new year's resolutions...the things that I like to call "forgotten after a day" here's to hoping that SOMEONE actually sticks to them!
Good luck with everything!! I need to work on numbers 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
Have a great Thursday!!
Dudette your heaps nice, why would you need to be nicer!!
Im with you on the saving money bit. I have a temptation and its called shoes, clothes and handbags but I wanna get to paris!!!
LOL, it's been a long time, but I remember every year I used to say at New Years that I was going to be nicer to people. And that never lasted a week! happy TT!
Good luck with these, I've done resolutions too this week. A couple are fairly similar.
Don't go to Stonehenge if traffic annoys you - it's a killer. One lane traffic with lots of people slowing down to stare at the big stones. It upsets me every time I drive past.
I want to go to Stonehenge too! I hope all your resolutions will be fulfilled!
Thanks for visiting my TT!
Great idea. I've posted my goals for this year too!
And since when are you not nice to people?
Happy Thursday!
Great list!
I hope that you achieve all your goals!
Have a wonderful Thursday!
My TT is posted
I need to stop worrying too. It will probably make life a lot simpler and stress-free.
One of my friends went to Stonehenge. She brought back some neat pictures.
My 13 are up.
Good luck with your resolutions! :) I need to do #13 too - I used to sing in Church Choir in Canada and loved it. Haven't found a good English-language Catholic Church here in Munich yet, and I should.
Visiting Greece and Stonehenge are on our list of things to do while we're posted to Germany.
Happy TT. :)
First of all... number 8. I've done it, it's eeeeeasy. There's nobody out there anyway, so just tell yourself you're wasting your time. It'll happen.
Number 5: Hmm... one of mine too, and one that I made as midnight was approaching on New Year's Eve. I broke it at 00.07 on New Year's Day. Good luck...
Number 2: If I were you, I'd go to Ireland instead and visit Newgrange. Or maybe you've been already?
I am trying not to blog "so" much on the weekend.... I am the biggest nerd there is!
Happy TT!
Just a little over a week til Hawaii! You must be having a seriously hard time wanting to work this week!
Good luck with your goals for '07--especially finding a new church--I had no idea you could sing!
Greece and Stonehenge, both well worth the trip. You will love both.
I am jealous of your Hawaii trip, I have never been and want to.
My T13 is up, come on by.
Stonehenge is over-rated. Avebury (20 miles away) and Callanish (Scotland) are where you need to go...
I guess looking at 11 a decision has been made? As for weekend blogging, i try to keep it light and airy, so I am not a nerd.
You should rate these in order of what you think will be easy to difficult. That would be interesting. Instead of resolutions, I had 13 predictions on my blog! That way I have a year to fail, resolutions could all be foiled in a few days. ;)
Great list. Good luck with finding a church--I didn't know you liked to sing. That's awesome!
Only a week and a day til Hawaii! You must be stoked! (I'll bet you're not loving your last week of work, though)
Sounds like a good list with attainable goals! :)
My Mr. Right Now turned out to be my Mr. Right. I guess you never know.
Only 8 days till Hawaii! Woo Hoo!
i need to work on the traffic thing too i guess. yes the wicked books were awesome and not slow at all imho.
thanks for visiting my tt this week.
Maybe Mr. Right will be at your new church and you can accomplish two resolutions at once. Happy New Year!
#10 sounds good to me too! lol
Happy TT
Whatever you decide, it will be the right decision.. We've gotta do lunch before you move, though. I'm only 45 min. from Fairfax- when there's no traffic! LOL!!
I would love to see Stonehenge too!!! Thanks for dropping by :)
I haven't been around in awhile, I really like your blog...I need to add it to my blogroll instead of just visiting on TT's. I didn't know you lived in the DC area...I'm getting ready to move there this spring. Not by choice..we're military, but I'm kind of looking forward to it, in a bit of a way...
I think...
Great TT,
I played too.
Whoooo hooo! I remembered to come post withOUT clicking the LINKY! YAY me! Ya know? I think that's a fabulous list! It's a LOT of list... I could never HOPE to manage 13 improvements or goals in one year! BUT... I have to WARN you ... I definately think that number 6 and number 7 are diametrically OPPOSED to one another! And then when ya throw numbers 1 & 2 in there... well... I'm thinking 7 doesn't stand a chance! But I'm ROOTIN' for ya anyway!!!
And... if I lose enough weight can I hitch a ride to number 1 in your luggage?
I want a church where I can sing too. It'll be my first church. They are calling me a baby Christian. :)
A good list of goals, good luck!
It will be fun to see if you accomplish these. Great 13!
Stonehenge ~ immense and awe inspiring. Shame about the fences though
OK, I'm practically in tears laughing at #3. First, because you're one of the nicest people I know. Second, because I remember making such a resolution once. Too bad I couldn't keep it. :) Good luck to YOU.!! Sorry, I don't know why it strikes me as so hilarious!!
Blogging on the weekends. That's half the fun, girl!
Good TT ... And I may have a crush on Pooh Bear.
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