Happy New Year! Welcome to 2007. I remember when we were going to party like it's 1999!
I must say that I think I've had enough "family time" now for a while. For those of you that are unaware, the world revolves around my sister. The whole family was out on a shopping excursion, and we had to break and go home (we were planning on going to dinner straight from the mall, but noooooo) - get this - because it was time for her to drink her wine. As she explained, that's "her" time and she didn't want to miss it. So we all go home to sit around and watch her drink wine and POUR ANOTHER GLASS while we all starved to death.
Are any of you off today for Ford's funeral? All due respect, the government and the stock market and the bankers get another day off? We here at Carmen's Job don't apparently care, so thbbbbbt if you're off. ;)
It's T-minus 11 days or so until I'm off for vacation. I was trying to arrange something cool for the blog while I was gone, but honestly, I'm running out of time. Anyone want to guest blog? I'd have to figure out how to do that. :)
Happy New Year to you, Carmen!
I think we need to know more about this wine drinking ritual. Sounds interesting - from the "outside" - irritating from the inside.
And, don't get me started on this Ford funeral deal. How "convenient" that it creates a 4-day weekend for government workers.
I'm not off for Ford's funeral. I understand and all, but no mail AND no bank? I can't go to the bank for 3 days!
Okay the sister thing seems interesting. She has a "wine time". Hmmm...maybe I should start that!
I might take you up on the offer of emailing. I will need to vent about how stupid boys are! Talk to you later.
Happy New Year!
Seriously?? WTF? Why does she have a scheduled wine drinking time? Hmmm...
I'm one of the slackers not at work b/c of Ford's funeral. Yes, it is quite convenient! ;-) Look at it this way, you'll be on vacation in lovely HI while I'm hard at work.
I nominate Pooh Bear to be the guest blogger while you're in Hawaii!!
Happy New Year!
Sounds like a hard time with your sister. I don't know why you wouldn't be the most important one, you seem so fun!
I can help out with guest bloggin if you'd like :)
I always wanted to be a guest blogger, but I don't know you well enough so I am sure someone else would be better. I think you just add someone as a team member on the dashboard, btw.
happy new year to you!!
I have to work too, unfortunately. another day of vaca would have been so nice! I'm getting used to no-work Mondays, let me tell ya!
oh, you are soooo lucky to be going to Hawaii! I'm wishing I was there right now!
have a good week!
Welcome back, Carmen and Happy New Year!
At least you've got a nice Hawaiian holiday to look forward to now and help you get over family politics.
As for Ford... he died in his bed (or in a hospital bed) and he was 93 or something. I think Bush should show his face at the funerals of the 20-something US soldiers being killed in Iraq on a daily basis. And Blair/BLiar too, of course... Oh, I forgot, my PM is too busy holidaying at the home of one of the Bee Gees...
I'm off today, but not because of President Ford, just took a vacation day. I did watch his funeral procession tho. It was very touching.
Um...not saying anything about your sister LOL!
All I have to say is you are a really good sister. If I had a sister that pulled that I would have had to play the "My Family is Being Held Hostage" card. Basically that would involve me leaving. WTH?? Why does she get to be the ballerini? oops, I think I mean, prima donna? Same thing, right? I don't know how you could have "guest" bloggers unless you gave out your login and pwd. You could always then just change your pwd when you got home. Or, in your last post list who will be blogging in your honor over at their blog. I liked your Scavenger Hunt idea where you could have people go to other blogs and find something or ask them a question.
oh yes and I would help be a guest blogger while you're gone!
Welcome back!! And Happy New Year!
I'm "working." We only got 3 day weekends for Christmas and New Year's.
Being independently wealthy sounds appealing.
Happy New Year, Carmen.
I think one of the parental units should just tell her "tough crap". If she wanted "wine time", she should have driven a different car and gone home when she wanted. Course, it also sounds like she is having plenty of WHINE time, too.
We didn't get the day off here, but I wish we did. I would have liked to watch it all on TV. One of my earliest memories of of a Presidential funeral. I guess I need to go and research this. Looks like it must have been Eisenhower just based on the date.
Man if I had a sister like yours I would have to "Yellow Cat" her! I hope you get that as it's right below this comment box. Did she not know of the plan to go to dinner before you went out? Why didn't she think to bring up the "me time" then???
DH had today off but he took it as vacation...he's hoping to change it tomorrow if everyone else got it off though because every day that he has taken vacation for has turned into a day off due to the snow and the funeral...he's very ticked at loosing all his vacation time.
As for the snow...Bone wants it so I'll try to send it to him. I wonder what his neighbors would think if they suddenly got a blizzard. I know when it snowed in LA folks had no idea what to do.
I think you should post a nice Hawaiian postcard "Having a great time, wish you were here." on your blog. Of course we'll miss you like crazy and be very jealous but we'll deal with it and love all your pictures when you return.
Happy new year carmen.. have a good one !!
I'm off. Don't hit me! ;)
I watched some, until 12, though kinda like his presidency, Ford's funeral was kind of uneventful.
Hmm, sounds like your sister and my brother come from the same charm/relationship school.
If you need some last minute Hawaii help, give me a shout
Happy New Year!
Weird about the wine thing... can't you take wine to the restaurant?
hey? where's my comment from earlier?
No extra days off for me. Since I've been such a bad blogger on my own blog, I'd love to volunteer to guest blog on yours. Maybe that will force me to commit -- if I have some accountability.
Happy New Year!
No extra days off for me. Since I've been such a bad blogger on my own blog, I'd love to volunteer to guest blog on yours. Maybe that will force me to commit -- if I have some accountability.
Happy New Year!
Ill be your guest blog if you work out how to do it and then explain it to me!! hehe! no seriously Ill do it!
No days off for us for Fords Funeral. Wish we did though.
As for your sister, that is down rite rude as rude. I hope you told her so!
Happy New Year Hun!
Oh. My. Goodness. Your sister sounds verrrrrrry much like MY Amanda! And it's getting really old! Of course... I raised her, and it's true... I DID raise her to believe the world revolves around her! (she was my firstborn ... I thought it did too!) But she's 30 now... and really should have learned better by now... Her siblings are TRYing to straighten her out! (your parents GO for this???)
As for your vacation? Having just MISSED you horribly during the ENTIRE Christmas vacation, I feel pretty safe in saying that I DID survive it - NOT willingly, but I DID survive. I'm thinking that you should probably just post a sign and go off and have a really REALLY SUPREME time, and forget about us! Come visit when you get home, let us all know your back, and we will all scamper back over to visit and ooooh and ahhhhh over the Hawaii pictures and be good little bloggers that we are!!! (that's just MY opinion... I'm all for stress free vacationing!)
Well it's about time you're back. And now you're leaving again?! Aren't you just like a cat owner and you don't even belong to me. I think I'll be posting a photo for you later on today or perhaps tomorrow...
Ford's funeral (and final resting place) is just 30 minutes away from our house. While it completely sucked not to have mail that day (I gots to have my fan letters), Grand Rapids is really honored to host his corpse for eternity.
On a side note: If you were part of his family, wouldn't it take a lot out of you to attend ceremonies and services for over a week? I would want to just say my goodbyes already!
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