Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Thursday 13 v. 39 - The Christmas List One

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What's on Carmen's Christmas List?
(Sorry those of you with Blogger Beta. It won't let me sign in and comment)
  1. iTrip for my iPod, so I can listen to my iPod in the car. I have a thingy that runs through the tape deck now, but it sucks.
  2. This may be a gift to myself, but I was thinking about upgrading the iPod to the Video one, so I can download Buffy episodes and watch them on these long airplane rides I take. But THEN I heard about the rumor of the NEW video ipod (out in January?) so I'm taking a wait-and-see, give-me-an-apple-gift-card approach.
  3. The Little Mermaid on DVD
  4. iTunes gift cards always come in handy for downloading more music to work out to. I have 10 different workout playlists, and they get old fast.
  5. Money money money money money. As my dad says, it's one-size-fits all!
  6. A new mouse for my computer. A laser mouse, instead of this stupid rolly-ball one that Dell sent me.
  7. A "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" Heros t-shirt. I think this might be the best show since Buffy!
  8. Philosophy Cinnamon Buns body wash.
  9. New space bags, the best travel invention ever. I've popped some of my old ones.
  10. Two tickets (one for me and one for my dad) to go see the UVA basketball team play in our brand new arena! (I'll buy the tickets, I just want my dad to promise to go with me.)
  11. I want my family (especially me and my sister) to all get along while we're home for the holidays. That's a bigger wish than you know.
  12. I want my mom to make me my traditional Christmas breakfast of fried eggs and bacon with decaf coffee. :)
  13. I want every one of you to have a great holiday season filled with peace and love!
    1. Links to other Thursday Thirteens! Other 13 participants only. But everyone feel free to leave a comment, too! Comments rock!

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      The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It's easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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    Anonymous said...

    I hope Santa gives you everything, including your dream man too... *lol* You know how much I love love :-)

    Warmth welcome to my Crack Me Up Party on Friday 15 dec! Prepare some joke or some fun to bring and to have FUN :-)

    Tell everybody to come!

    Read more at my blog...

    Anonymous said...

    iPods have video versions now?! Wow, I am far behind in my technology knowledge. That would be fun to download episodes of my favorite shows to my iPod...especially since I don't have cable TV!

    Happy Thursday!

    MaR said...

    Blogger didn't let me comment a while ago and now I forgot what I wanted to say...
    Oh, may all your Xmas wishes come true! specially the sisters getting along over the holidays...
    Loved your nr 5, your dad cracks me up!
    happy tt, Carmen!

    Anonymous said...

    I hope you get everything on your list, Carmen! I want a new mouse, too. My nice optical mouse died, and I really miss it.

    Louise said...

    I hope you get everything you want and more.

    I'm secretly hoping for the Little Mermaid too.

    My TT this week is all about my Christmas book list.

    Happy Thursday

    Anonymous said...

    It's wonderful to find all these christmassy list this week!
    I can't wait till it's Christmas!
    I keep my fingers crossed for you that your wishes may come true! =)

    Hugs and happy TT from Germany,

    Sweet like Kitty
    Sonny's Xmas

    Anonymous said...

    I hope your Christmas wishes are fulfilled.

    Merry Christmas and Happy TT!

    I’m up!

    Zeus said...

    For whoever is buying your presents, Carmen: Let them know QVC has a GREAT deal on the philosophy Cinnamon Buns shower gel. You can get a huge 32 oz. size for only $21 and some change plus shipping and handling. My human loves that scent as well, but it only makes her crave hot coffee and a cinnamon bun after showering!

    Happy Thursday to you! :)

    Anonymous said...

    What a great list! Thanks for dropping by.

    Anonymous said...

    I love your dad's quote about money!! The Little Mermaid? Am I missing something?

    I have a snowflake maker and directions on how to take apart a magic 8 ball!

    Melissa said...

    Sounds like you want a lot of great stuff! Hope you get what you want!

    Lazy Daisy said...

    I like your list. Hope you and Dad can make the game (that will probably be the best gift.) Hugs and prayers that all goes well on the family front. Christmas brings out both the best and the worst in people.

    Red said...

    Here's hoping that it all comes true for you this Christmas.

    And get your Mum to make you a couple of pancakes with that Christmas breakfast, then take a picture of your plate, post it and make us cornflakes types jealous!

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks for #13. :) I hope you receive most of the items on your Christmas List. :)

    Happy T13. :)

    Anonymous said...

    Did you already get the iPod thingie?

    Anonymous said...

    yes to #3, 5 and 11. especially the inlaws getting gets ugly, and it's just so.much.easier. when we can play nice.

    Anonymous said...

    Good list! If you get the iTrip thing, you must update us as to how well it works so I know if I should get it too. =)

    Anonymous said...

    I'm seeing a lot of people wanting Ipod stuff.

    Kukka-Maria said...

    I don't like that "Heroes" show. But, then again, I couldn't stand "Buffy," either.

    Don't hate me because I'm beautiful nor because I have different taste in television shows...

    Renee Nefe said...

    I hope you get everything you need and a lot of what you want...especially no fighting w/ the sis.

    Happy Holidays.

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks for the great holiday wishes.

    To comment at blogger beta right now, you need to post as "other" or anonymous" it will allow you to do that. It is being fixed they assure us...hmmm....

    I hope all of your family gets along . Why not trying to be very zen and not expect ANYTHING from your sister, like don't expect valedation, don't take things personally(even if they are, pretend you don't notice)...if someone is being passive aggresive...take the mirror response approach. For example Someone says to you:" I didn't know you liked fushia and that sweater is a color I wouldn't have thought would suit your skin tone."

    You respond, "Oh thank you, you really like my sweater on me I am so glad you like it"

    If someone is plying mindgames then be as transparent nd loving as you can be. If they hope to get a rise out of you...or hurt your feelings, then act liek everything is a compliment, trust me if they have hurtful intentions, you just stopped the game...and they won't say passive aggresive things to you. They will stop saying hurtful things.

    Just kill them with kindness...I promise you will have lots of funw ith this attitude and you will enjoy yourself.

    Remember all love and happiness is inside of us, even our praents and family can not give us the valedation we so is our to give to ourSELVES!

    Fun list Carmen thanks!

    Here is my list about comments on blog(to leave a comment you might have to click on "other"

    I love your cat photos by the way!!!

    Anonymous said...

    I just moved to Blogger Beta, and I seem to be having these sort of issues. It anonymous-ized a bunch of my comments. But I could sign in to people's sites when I was on regular Blogger, so I thought it wouldn't be a problem. Hmph.

    I was just thinking of downloading some songs, but I remember the days when stealing music was free. I guess I will have to sign up for iTunes or something.

    Anonymous said...

    I hope you get everything on your list!!

    Anonymous said...

    I hope you get your peaceful Christmas!!

    Anonymous said...

    I love Heros too! I can't get enough of it.

    Anonymous said...

    I have the Little Mermaid on yea, I can see where a DVD would be an upgrade!

    And yes, the space bags are awesome! It's amazing how much you can cram into those things.

    My 13 are up.

    Anonymous said...

    Excellent list and I agree with most of it - I want an iPod and The Little Mermaid too. I'm cruising eBay all the time, waiting for the bargains :)

    Happy holidays to you too.

    Tug said...

    I LOVE the Little Mermaid...

    Merry merry Christmas Carmen!!

    Happy TT

    Anonymous said...

    Great list! I hope you get everything you ask for!

    Melli said...

    Ooops! DANG IT! I didn't mean to sign the Linky!!! I don't DO Thurs. 13 anymore! ACK! This is a great list though Carmen -- and I hope ALL your Christmas wishes come true ... especially number 11! :)

    Anonymous said...

    I hope you get it all! I like my rolley ball mouse and my dh thinks I'm weird. Oh well. Merry Christmas!!

    I voted for you in the Christmas tree contest.

    Katherine said...

    I hope, more than anything, that you get #11. I'll take money, money, moNEY!

    FRIDAY'S CHILD said...

    You have a fantastic list but my favorite is No. 5. I think this would be everyone's favorite. Who wouldn't.
    Thanks for passing by.

    Renee Nefe said...

    Darly wants to get me a present...
    fefyfomanna: Guest Blogger Darly: Dad needs to take me shopping! isn't she sweet?

    Anonymous said...

    Very nice Christmas list. :) I hope you receive most, if not all, of the items on your list.

    Thanks for stopping by and have a good day. :)

    Anonymous said...

    I love my itrip! Use it all the time!
    Good luck to the UVA BB team! We cheer for Syracuse and so far they aren't looking so great.

    Anonymous said...

    Hi Carmen!
    Just stopping by to thank you for your get well wishes today!!

    VERY MUCH appreciated!!!

    Anonymous said...

    Oh, I wanted a nano, but now maybe I'll wait til next month...

    Good list, as always. I haven't done TT in a while, I'm too lazy.

    Teena in Toronto said...

    Good list! Hopefully Santa will be good to you!

    Mine's up :)

    Anonymous said...

    Yeah, a video iPod would be sweet!
    I haven't heard of that show, if you like it I'm sure I would though :) I don't think it's out here.
    Merry Christmas! Hope it's nice.