Friday, December 08, 2006

Photo Op

Well folks, I found out that as a birthday present, I get to have my drivers' license renewed and get a new photo taken. I wonder what it will look like? You know how drivers' license photos go.

If I have to stand in line for hours upon hours, my photo will come out looking like this. Though I won't be bald, with a beard, shirtless or showing any tatoos. :)


Anonymous said...

new boyfriend, Carmen? Hmmmm? When's the big day?

Pink Chihuahua Princess said...

Ugh! What a bummer. I'm really dreading having to get mine renewed, and its not for another couple of years.

Renee Nefe said...

I renewed mine online last time. It was really simple...BUT they used the picture of me they had on file... my old photo! ARGH!
That was me about 20lbs heavier with non-cute-high&low-lighted hair.
So now I get to wait 9 more years for the next photo opp.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your photo op! The last DL picture I got taken was AWFUL. When I renewed this year I hoped that I would get to redo it and make it all pretty, but as it turned out they just used the old one!! My next chance isn't until something like 2012.

Heather said...

I changed residence last year so I got to take a new one, it wasn't bad but not very good either.

Anonymous said...

What a coincidence - I renewed mine today. In New Jersey, they let us see the photo first, and if it REALLY stinks, they can take another one.
But the good part is, it only took about 15 minutes.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my, you look absolutely stunningly beautiful in that new picture :-) What have you done? A make over project? Plastic surgery, come on tell us your secrets so we can get there too!

Though I've already gone bald, so I guess I'm on my way already? *ROFLMAO* And the face expression too maybe since my stomach aching still, I've been sick...

The big news: I have been honored to be a finalist in the Weblog Awards 2006!!! YEEEEAH! Its' tough competition with the famous bloggers, phew!

So I have a humble request: help me, the little ant, to fight against the big elephants in the Weblog awards 2006 by voting for Lifecruiser every day up to 15 dec and write something about my fight on your blog!

I need all support I can get! Spread the word to everyone! Ants against elephants! *lol*

♥ Vote every day here ♥
(Why don't make it to the startpage in your browser?)

Sean said...

i keep trying to forget that i have to go and get my license updated since i have a new address. and then people like you keep reminding me that i'm being bad by not updating it. evil people.

Anonymous said...

I hate drivers license photos so I feel your pain! Id rather find a nice one of me and give it to em which they wont let me do. grrr!

Goodluck and happy birthday! (when is your birthday?)

Melli said...

I think you should just take that one with you and ask if they can use IT! LOL! I need to go in and see if they will retake mine. My face has gotten so much thinner that I really don't LOOK like me anymore! Awwwww... poor me!

(no sweety... even your blog-ho advertisements can't keep me away from your blog!)

MaR said...

But you don't go around showing your driver's license, do you???
Oh, you pretty young lady!!!!

Teena in Toronto said...

We have to do that every five years, along with our health cards. Of course, the offices aren't conveniently located. But you've gotta do it :(