Monday, August 21, 2006

Manic Monday

Well, tonight is the big night with the Hottie Hungarian. ;) I'm supposed to meet him after he finishes work, which is about 9 p.m. You know you're old when you're normally trying to get ready for bed at 9 p.m., not getting ready to go out!

When I talked to him on Saturday, he was like "You've been very quiet today." Well, duh. I was nervous that you were going to change your mind, or be weird with me. I said it was because I was tired (I was.)

So this evening will mark my one and only date for 2006 (so far - Thanks Red for pointing that out). Technically, I've had a date in the last year (12 month period) but not in 2006. The last guy, who Irish has named Crabby McCrabberson, was a real weirdo. Like axe murderer weird. I've never met anyone who hated their ex wife so much.

You know who I'd like a date with? Will or Boogie from Big Brother All Stars. I know they're conniving backstabbers, but they're funny as hell. And that's such a turn-on. That, and they're cute to boot. :)


Zeus said...

I hope the Hungarian is all that and more for you this evening, Miss Carmen. You deserve it! My only advice: don't let him know you speak to felines on the first date. That might not go over too well.

Red said...

First of all, well done for asking him out and getting a date! I hope that you have a great time and that the hot Hungarian turns out to be more fun than Crabby McCrabberson!

But I think you should rephrase the start of the third paragraph and say that this evening will mark your first date for 2006. For who knows where your new zest for asking men out will lead?

Penrick said...

Have a great time tonight. If you post about it tonight, I will know things went terribly wrong.

Enjoy yourself!!

Pixie said...

I hope you have an awesome night out & it's all you hope it will be & more.

Renee Nefe said...

I hope you have an awesome time tonight and even if Hottie Hungarian isn't all that and a bag of chips have a good time.

Someone needs to tall Crabby McCrabberson that talking about the Ex on the first date is a real NO NO! You shouldn't even talk about the ex for at least a month of dating (that's 30 days) he he

I don't watch the show but getting turned on by bad boys...hummm I think that could be a problem. But if you're just looking to have fun, no harm.

Again, have a great time and I wouldn't worry if he isn't a great conversationalist, chalk it up to language barrier.

Anonymous said...

Plan A! Plan A! Plan A! Plan A! Plan A! Plan A! Plan A! Plan A! Plan A! Plan A! Plan A!

Have fun with dreeeenks tonight!

Melli said...

This is going to be FUN Carmen! FUN! FUN! FUN! I hope you're going to a club -- somewhere you can DANCE with Hottie Hungarian! Don't worry about idle chatter -- let the bodies do the talking! LOL! Oh wait... that's my advice to Penny... Carmen, just relax and have FUN! Yea... what Irish said! Go for plan A!

Lazy Daisy said...

Plan A is always good. Have fun and don't kill it with too many expectations. It is what it is....relax and enjoy.

Heather said...

I hope it goes great!!!

Kukka-Maria said...

Ok. Seriously. No one commented on the Big Brother shout-out? Come on people...all the cool kids watch Big Brother!

I guess it's up to me to take the BB angle. Boogie? Seriously, Carmen? Boogie...BOO-GIE!? Will, I understand. Smart and cute. Boogie, though, is cute-by-proximity. I think, when he stands next to Will, Will's extra hottness pours onto Boogie, making him tolerable. I mean...COME ON!

Okay, I really need to see this as a benefit for me. When Will and Boogie call and ask me to find a girlfriend to double-date with them, I can call you. And, at that time, since I don't find Boogie attractive and [choke] clearly, you do, I'll be matched with Will and you can have the cast-off...I mean, Boogie!

You are going to do great tonight! Remember, with age comes wisdom. You will be poised, you will be charming, you will be freakin' hilarious and you will leave him wanting more. It will be fab-u-lous!

Boogie, Carmen? Seriously? Even his game-play is only stellar because of master-mind Will. You know Boogie wouldn't be having the same success if he were alone in the house!

Sarah said...

Good luck with the date! I once dated a hot Brit. Oh, all right, he didn't speak another language, but he did have an accent... and was hot. Sigh. Memories...

Geggie said...

Good luck with the hunky Hungarian! I had a little dry spill a bit back and tried HurryDate. I've been with my BF for over three years now...turned out to be not much of a hurry, huh? Really though, it was a fun experience!

And I love Travel Tuesday. May I borrow that?

Have a great date!

WendyWings said...

I will tell Erika you think Boogie is cute ( personally he does nada for me lol)
Have a great date, and didn't I tell you my toes match your blog too LOL

Anonymous said...

Have fun tonight! Good for you for taking the initiative!

Amy said...

hubba hubba...have a GREAT TIME!!!!! Let us know how it goes!

Anonymous said...

Hope it all goes well tonight. Tomorrow we want DETAILS!!!

Katherine said...

Good luck! Hope it's fun and I can't wait to hear about it. I agree that funny is a big turn on.

Anthony said...

It's 9:25. I hope you're having an enjoyable evening.

I'm old, so I'll be getting ready for bed now ... expecting a nice post on Tuesday with some nice stories about your little Hungarian encounter.

Irish Church Lady :) said...

Have a grate date! ;)

Renee Nefe said...

well, I don't see any updates yet... I hope that means it's going well. fingers crossed.

Samantha said...

Carmen...Have a GREAT time :) You probably shouldnt tell him you love him in hungarian though LOLOLOL

Unknown said...

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO???!!! - How'd it go, how'd it go?!! Inquiring minds wanna know! -- Was he sweet? Is he a hunk? Did your eyes meet and there was instant gratification? Did everything go well? Huh, huh, huh?!!!

Melli said...

Hurry up with the HH post already! HOW WAS IT??? shhhheeeeesh! You knOw I have no patience!

Froggie Mama said...

Well, so I'm not sure if it's a bad thing that you haven't really said much about the date OR it's good b/c you are tired today!! lol :) Hope you had a great time with the Hunk! ;)

Crabby McCrabberson!! LMAO! I love it! My friends & I like to give people names like that, too! My friend's ex is Grumpy McGee! LOL

And Will & Boogie! Yup, funny & cuties! :)Maybe you should look'em up! ;)

Karizma said...

Well, how'd it go??? I hope it's good news - at least better than Mr. C. McCrabberson.

Sorry I've been MIA recently. Will be back on track with reading now. I had issues (don't we all at times!) to deal with {:-o

Anthony said...

It's 11:22. In 38 minutes, I expect a full update on the Hungarian Happening.

Oooops ... it's 11:23.